This paper presents a study on the risk associated with CO2 injection in geological storage and fault reactivation through a comprehensive workflow for determining the feasibility of CO2 storage campaign in carbonate reservoir in Malaysia. The study includes constructing a 4-D coupled reservoir geomechanical model and developing a workflow that can be used to evaluate geomechanics risks associated with carbon capture and storage (CCS) by outlining results and findings that drive key decisions in the planning of CCS strategy.
The workflows aims to better delineate and enumerate the risks with CCS as it constructing and calibrating single well models by corroborating numerous inputs including stringent laboratory testing data and drilling analysis, and combining with structural model and reservoir model to create a field wide 4-D geomechanical model using advanced time lapsed geomechanics simulation. Coupled simulations with the dynamic reservoir model provided predictions of the fault stability by considering fault deformation. The paper further highlights the geomechanics evaluation consideration (economics and engineering trade-off) in designing maximum safe injection pressure for CO2 sequestration program.
The results of the study show fault condition subjected to different time-steps of the coupled simulation during depletion and injection. At each time-step, the development of plastic shear strain and absolute displacement are plotted and risks associated with the change in reservoir pressure are assessed and quantified. Different injection plans are modelled to determine the impact on final storage capacity, long term fluid containment and upper safe injection limit to avoid breaching the caprock.
The study offers the utilization of the latest techniques in 4-D coupled geomechanical modelling which reduced the study time and cost significantly, making it affordable for in-time solution for decision making. The paper also aims to encourage the consideration of the applied novel workflow involved in CCS strategye valuation focusing on risk assessment which ultimately will affect reservoir maximum safe injection limit, capacity, long term storage safety, and monitoring program to mitigate potential geohazard leakage.