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Proceedings Papers
International Petroleum Technology Conference
March 26–28, 2013
Beijing, China
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China's Marine Qiongzhusi Shale Play: First Deep Asia Pacific Region Horizontal Multiple Stage Frac: Case History, Operation & Execution
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Accelerating Time-to-Autonomy for Technical Staff - Developing the Industry's Best Performers
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Challenges Evaluating Shale Gas Well Performance Catalogue Fingerprint: How Do We Account for What We Don't Know?
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Analysis on the Impact of Fracturing Treatment Design and Reservoir Properties on Production from Shale Gas Reservoirs
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Vital Role of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in the Field of Oilfield Chemistry
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Feasibility Study of In-Situ Combustion Huff and Puff for EOR in Super-Deep Heavy Oil Reservoir
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Drilling Fluids Challenges in Successful Drilling of Gotnia Formation in the State of Kuwait
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
New Mathematical Models for Calculating the Proppant Embedment and Conductivity
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The Study and Application of High Temperature-Resistant Solid Expandable Tubular Technology
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Effect of Reservoir Porosity and Clay Content on Hydraulic Fracture Height Containment
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Foam Assisted Air Injection (FAAI) for IOR at Hailaer Oilfield: Prospects and Challenges
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Successful Application of Novel Organic-Solvent-Mud-Acid Stimulation Approach for Unlocking Productions and Optimising Field Watercut in the Temana Offshore Brownfield
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Effect of Porous Media on Saturation Pressures of Shale Gas and Shale Oil
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Shallow Gas Overburden Characterisation and Full Wavefield Modelling for Gas Clouds Imaging
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Integration of Basin Modelling, Uncertainty Analysis, HC Charge Volume Assessment in Petroleum Exploration Risk Evaluation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Thermally Stable Cutter Technology Advances PDC Performance in Hard and Abrasive Formations, Kuwait
Ali Hussein; Nayef Abdulla Al-Anezi; Adel Q. Al-Sarraf; Akshaya K. Dhabria; Hussain A. Baqer; Harish Maliekkal; Osama Ghoneim; Youhe Zhang
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Recent Technology Developments in Surfactants and Polymers for Enhanced Oil Recovery
Jun Lu; Pathma Jith Liyanage; Sriram Solairaj; Stephanie Adkins; Gayani Pinnawala Arachchilage; Do Hoon Kim; Christopher Britton; Upali Weerasooriya; Gary A. Pope
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Combustion Front Expanding Characteristic and Risk Analysis of THAI Process
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Mini DST to Characterise Formation Deliverability in Unconventional Reservoirs
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Innovative Design of the Solid Expandable Tubular to Patch the Casing: Area Below the Previously Installed Expandable Tubular
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Development of New Type Curves for Production Analysis in Naturally Fractured Shale Gas/Tight Gas Reservoirs
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Managing Structural Integrity of Offshore Platforms: Looking Back to Drive the Future
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Effect of Main Factors on Oil Recovery of Surfactant-Polymer Flooding
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Perforating Multiple Sands with Long Interval Separations Pushes the Limit in Completion Efficiency
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Derivation of Residual Oil Profile for Enhanced Recovery
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Pre-Heating Circulation Design for Dual Horizontal Well SAGD in the Medium-Deep Extra Heavy Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
New Findings on Heatloss of Superheated Steam Transmitted Along the Wellbore and Heating Enhancement in Heavy Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Assessment of Multistage Fracturing Technologies as Deployed in the Tight Gas Fields of Saudi Arabia
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Net Identification Techniques to Establish a Reliable Net to Gross Estimate
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Laboratory Measurement of Hydraulic Fracture Conductivities in the Barnett Shale
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Drillable PDC Casing Bit Defies Challenging Onshore Drilling Environment and Sets Longest Single Trip Drilling with Casing Record
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Soft Computation Application to Optimize Drilling Bit Selection Utilizing Virtual Inteligence and Genetic Algorithms
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Managing Process Safety in Facilities Design
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Production Integrated Sand Control Benchmark for Mature Field Development
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Surmounting the Challenges Leads to Discovery of New Field in Deep Jurassic Formation. : A Case Study.
Abdullah Reda Al-Ibrahim; Vidya Sagar Duggirala; A. Manimaran; Yousef Zaid Al-Salali; S. Packirisamy; Anwar Ibrahim
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A Novel Emulsified Acid System for Stimulation of Very High-Temperature Carbonate Reservoirs
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Feasibility of Using Laser Bit Beside of Common Bits to Drilling Slim Holes
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Novel Approach in Sand Production Management - Produce it
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Applications of Downhole In-Situ Reservoir Fluid Properties in Interval Pressure Transient Test
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Petrophysical Reservoir Characterisation of a Complex Heavy Oil Carbonate Reservoir in North Oman
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Optimisation Study of Production-Injection Ratio for Steam Flooding
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
New Offshore Sidetrack Practices Reduced Significantly Stuck Pipes in KSA
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Well Integrity During Operating the First Offshore Gas Wells in Saudi Arabia; Experiences and Lessons Learned
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Casing While Drilling (CwD): Surface Hole Optimisation in Mature Field of Offshore North West Java
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Integrating Pressure Transient Analysis and Production Analysis for Dynamic Reserve Evaluation in Tazhong 1 Ordovician Carbonate Gas Field, Tarim Basin
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Improving Safety & Reliability Through Process Safety Management in Gas Handling Facilities
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Collapse Strength Study for the Solid Expandable Tubular
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Nano-Ceramic Coatings - A Means for Enhancing Bit Life and Reducing Drill String Trips
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Fracture Finite Difference Seismic Modelling
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Carbonate Rock Types Matrix, the Ultimate Rock Properties Classification Catalogue
Omar Al-Farisi; Hadi Belhaj; Shawket Ghedan; Shahin Negahban; Jorge Gomes; Fatmeh Yammahi; Mohamed Amr; Hocine Khamissa; Khalil Ibrahim; Abdullah Al-Shamsi
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Modeling of Spent-Acid Blockage Damage in Stimulated Gas Wells
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Solid Deposition in Gas Turbines of a Cogeneration Plant, Sumatra, Indonesia, Mechanism and Remediation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Study of Progressive Flow Profile of Multiphase (Oil-Water-Gas) Flow for Downhole Monitoring Applications
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Productivity Improvement Using Combination of Static and Dynamic Underbalanced Perforation in Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin, West China
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
An Integrated Model for Selecting the Best Fuel to Develop in the Value Chain of Natural Gas
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Anisotropic Waveform Inversion with Well Constraints
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
How Ball Materials Impact the Performance of Open Hole Fracturing Systems
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
First Successful Application of an Environment Friendly Fracturing Fluid during On-The-Fly Proppant Fracturing
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The Role of Underground Storage in Large Natural Gas Production Operation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A New Model to Predict Average Pressure Difference of Liquid Droplet in Gas Well
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Field Optimisation of Acid Concentration of Visco Elastic Based Acid Using Fiber Optic Enabled Coiled Tubing (FOECT)
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Research and Application of Fire-Flooding Technologies in Post-Steam Injected Heavy Oil Reservoir
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Lithofacies Classification: From Sedimentologic Analysis to 3D Reservoir Modelling
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
New Stimulation Technologies in a Major Gas Field in the Middle East
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Joint inversion of time-lapse crosswell seismic and production data for reservoir monitoring and characterization
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Effective Uncertainty Management Strategies to Successfully Deliver Horizontal Well in Changbei Gas Field
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Hydraulic Fracture Initiation while Staged Fracturing for Horizontal Wells
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Advanced Oxygen Enrichment Technology for Cost Effective Sulfur Recovery Processing Facility Applications in China
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Reserve Reporting Under Modern Fiscal Agreements
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Utilizing Distributed Temperature Sensor Data in Predicting Flow Rates in Multilateral Wells
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Well Architecture: Prediction of the Life Cycle Critical Drawdown Offered by Means of Passive Sand Control
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Real World Solutions Effective Fracture Treatment Design in Horizontal Wells
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A Dynamic Hybrid Model to Simulate Fractured Reservoirs
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Unlock Shale Oil Reserves Using Advanced Fracturing Techniques: A Case Study in China
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Oman Large Carbonate Field Production Improvement Through Integrated Well, Reservoir and Facility Management
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A New Method for OBM Decontamination in Downhole Fluid Analysis
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The Approach of CT-Dragged Hydrajet Perforating and Annular-Delivery Sand Fracturing Applies in Horizontal Wells
Liu Yuxi; Yue Xianggang; Zhang Guoliang; Yu Long; Lan Chengyu; Liu Peng; Luo Minghui; Zheng Shanjun; Xia Hong; Li Liguo; Liu Xianlong; Chi Yunping; Liu Yuebao; You Shifa; Ma Jibao; Zhou Tingting; Liu Wei; Wu Xinyou
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
First Installations of the 9-5/8-in. Enhanced Single-Trip Multi-Zone Sand-Control Technology in Offshore Brunei
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Multistage Temporary Plugging Acid Fracturing Technology Application Long Interval Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Production Performance Analysis of Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Wells in Sulige Gas Field
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Understanding Tight Oil Reservoir Hydraulic Fracturing Stimulation Using Two Wells Simultaneous Micro Seismic Monitoring Approach
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Case Study: Successful Application of Coiled Tubing Conveyed Inflatable Straddle Packer for Selective Reservoir Treatments in Deviated and Horizontal Wells of Rajasthan Field, India
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Polymer Flooding for Middle and Low Permeability Sandstone Reservoirs
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Nanostructured Material Based Completion Tools Enhance Well Productivity
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Hawiyah Gas Plant New Thermal Oxidiser Combustion Control Philosophy
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Three-Dimensional Analysis on Stress Patterns within a Sub-salt Formation and an Integrated Method for the Design of a Mud-Weight Window
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Field Implementation of Condensate Bank Removal Using Chemical Treatment
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Simulation of Three Phase Capillary Pressure Curves Directly in 2D Rock Images
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Development Strategies of JZ25-1S Thin Oil Rim Reservoirs with Big Gas Cap
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The Use of "Dope-Free" Tubulars in Petroleum Well Completions
Alejandro Funes; Fernando Figini; Esteban De Franceschi; Emiliano Actis Goretta; Tomas Castineiras; Xiuli Wang; Michael J. Economides
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Application of Chemical Tracers for Clean-Up and Production Inflow Monitoring with Onshore Wells in Italy
G. Nutricato; C. Repetto; A. Santi D'Amico; G. Oftedal; E. Faevelen; C. Andresen; E. Leung; V. Wikmark
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
D50 Shift Factor Shifting the Concept of SBMs Performance Evaluation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Integrated Reservoir Management Utilising a Portfolio Approach to Beat the Impact of Delayed Water Injection Projects - Opportunistic Strategic Alignment in North Kuwait
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Platong Gas II Project - World Class Project Execution Through Processes and People
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Remaining Oil Distribution Pattern of Massive Matured Oilfield with Strong Bottom Water: An Integrated Reservoir View
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The Application of Multistage Geometric Analysis Method in Natural Fracture Identification
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Carbonate reservoir interaction with supercritical carbon dioxide
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
An Integrated Approach of Fractured Reservoir Modelling Based on Seismic Interpretations and Discrete Fracture Characterisation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
From Molecular Dynamics to Lattice Boltzmann: A New Approach for Pore Scale Modelling of Multi-Phase Flow
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Innovative Single-Phase Tank Technology for In-Situ Sample Validation Enhances Fluid Sampling Integrity
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Application of a New Method to Estimate Free Fluid Level and Recognition of Compositional Grading Using Wireline Formation Testing Data
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Wellbore Stability Evaluation Guideline for Reducing Non-Productive Time
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Application of Low Pressure System at Balingian, Sarawak Brownfield; Candidate Selection and BY Field Case Study
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A Successful Subsalt Exploration Example in the Precaspian Basin
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Sichuan Shale Gas Microseismic Monitoring: Acquisition, Processing, and Integrated Analyses
Fa Dwan; J. Qiu; M. Zhou; R.S. Yuan; Z. Zhang; L. Jin; S. Wang; X. Li; M. Lin; B. Liang; C. Deng; S. Liang; L. Englebrecht; R. Van Dok; L. Walter
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Modelling the Transient Behaviours of the Kinetics in the Transesterification of Palm Oils Reveals Prospects for Customisation of Esters for Drilling Fluids Formulation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Knowledge Management in Engineering Activities of an Operating Company
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Seismic Guided Drilling: Near Real Time 3D Updating of Subsurface Images and Pore Pressure Model
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Qualification Testing of Large Bore, HP Tubing Retrievable Safety Valves for Gas Wells
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
An Experimental Study on Mitigation of Oil Well Cement Gas Permeability
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Well Failure Detection for Rod Pump Artificial Lift System Through Pattern Recognition
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Fundamental Approaches to Dolomitisation and Carbonate Diagenesis in Different Hydrogeological Systems and the Impact on Reservoir Quality Distribution
Yitian Xiao; Gareth D. Jones; Fiona F. Whitaker; Anwar B Al-Helal; Sherry Stafford; Enrique Gomez-Rivas; Sean Guidry
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Rock Mechanical Properties of Shale Gas Reservoir and their Influences on Hydraulic Fracture
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Fracture Optimization Applying a Novel Traceable Proppant and a Refined Mechanical Earth Model in the Congo Onshore
R. Perfetto; P. Saldungaray; F. Martocchia; R.L. Ceccarelli; R. Lorefice; F. Rinaldi; L. Tealdi; P. Dalmasso
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Determining Coefficient of Quadratic Term in Forchheimer Equation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Using a Novel Spacer and Ultralow Density Cement System to Control Lost Circulation in Coalbed Methane (CBM) Wells
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Assessing Unconventional Resources Using an Integrated Petroleum Systems Approach
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Hawiyah Gas Plant Alarm Rationlization and Controller Performance Monitoring
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Successful Implementation of Fiber-Laden Fluid for Hydraulic Fracturing of Jurassic Formations in Western Siberia
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Mitigation of Deepwater Shallow Hazards with Simplified Cement System: South China Sea Case Study
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Dual Function Reverse Demulsifier and Demulsifier for the Improvement of Polymer Flooding Produced Water Treatment
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Formation Damage and Treatment of Offshore Water Disposal Wells in Saudi Arabia: Case Studies
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Boilers Reliability Study- Abqaiq Plants Experience
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Harnessing Intelligent Field Capabilities for Early Understanding of Reservoir Behavior and Proactive Decision
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Influence of Micro-Computed Tomography Image Resolution on Petrophysical Properties
Nayef Alyafei; Oussama Gharbi; Ali Qaseminejad Raeini; Jianhui Yang; Stefan Iglauer; Martin J. Blunt
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Calculations of Equivalent Circulating Density in Underbalanced Drilling Operations
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Performance of Refracturing in Multiple Thin Layers of Low Permeability Oilfields
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Classification and Evaluation of Ultra-Low Permeability Reservoirs in the Changqing Oilfield
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Employing First Principles Model-Based Soft Sensors for Superior Process Control and Optimisation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
SMS Skyscrapers
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Assessment of Corrosion and Mechanical Properties Degradation of Pipeline Steel After Long Term Service in High Sour Gas-Field Environments
Cheng Zhang; Qingsheng Zhang; Weiguo Chen; Dexu Liu; Tiongxiong Ou; Xuesong Huang; Can Chen; Changfeng Chen
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Integrating an LNG Plant with an Unconventional Gas Supply
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Production Optimisation with Hydraulic Fracturing: Application of Fluid Technology to Control Fracture Height Growth in Deep Hard Rock Formation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Mitigating Challenges in Resolving 7" Liner Leak-Case Study
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Accelerated Career Development for Upstream Digital Professionals Using Performance-Based Training
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Achieving Brazilian Extended Reach Drilling Records on Polvo Project with Ultra High Torque Connection
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Hydraulic Fracturing Candidate-Well Selection by Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set and System
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A Case Study : Innovative Open Hole Well Completion Provides Superior Results in Tigh Gas Formation in Jilin District, China
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Drilling of Multilateral Wells Aided with Geochemical Analysis
Taher EL Gezeeri; Abdul Aziz Ismail; Khalaf Al-Anezi; Monirah Al Jeaan; Jeevan Kumar Silambuchlvan; G.S. Padhy; Atul Wasnik; Ahmed Al Shoeibi
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Modelling Well Performance Forecasting of Complex Volcanic Reservoir
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
CSEM Inversions Using the Gauss Newton Method and a Model Compression Scheme
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Optimizing Dehydrators Operation Using Dynamic Adsorption Time
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
New Hybrid Bit Exceeds Expectations in Challenging Application in Tarim Field, China
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Useful Recycling and Safe Disposal Technology of Waste Oil Based Drilling Fluids and Its Application
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A Comprehensive Formation Evaluation Method to Make the Fracturing Decision: A Real Case Analysis from a Low Permeability Formation in Jungger Basin of China
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Low BTU Gas Monetisation Technology Commercial Evaluation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Optimising Offshore Gas Field Development with Large Well Bore Completion
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Equation for Oil and Gas Two-Phase Flow into Vertical Well - A Theoretical Derivation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
SPME Method Development for the Determination of Aliphatic Amines in Industrial Waste Water
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
China's Future Energy Needs
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
3D Seismic Attributes as Exploration Tools: A Case Study from the Late Jurassic Hanifa Formation in Saudi Arabia
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Drilling with Casing Technique Successfully Overcome Massive Thief Zone
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Upstream Stranded Raw Gas Management as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Paleogeomorphology Analysis and its Application in Exploration and Production of Karstic Ordovician Carbonate
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Lessons Learnt from Water Shutoff of Horizontal Wells Using Inflatable Packers and Chemicals in Ghawar Field of Saudi Arabia
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Applications of Bio and Nanotechnologies in the Oil and Gas Industry. Recent Progress
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Physical Modelling of In-Depth Fluid Diversion by "Gel Dam" Placed with Vertical Well
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Oil-Based Fracturing Fluid: First Results in West Africa Onshore
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A Successful Application of 3D Seismic Attributes in Exploration for Eolian Stratigraphic Traps in Central Saudi Arabia
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Multiple History Matching and Well Placement Optimisation in a Mature Field Using a Streamline Approach
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Cementing Through Capillary Tubing to Meet Regulatory Requirements: A Novel Approach for Plug and Abandonment
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Multi-Tubular Corrosion Inspection Using a Pulsed Eddy Current Logging Tool
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Asset Integrity Challenges in Oil & Gas Process Facilities
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A Methodology for Rapidly Predicting and Minimising Solid Particle Erosion in Oil-Gas Equipment
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
An Insightful and Robust Approach for Multi-Tool Interpretation: Moving Away from Traditional Black Box Methods
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Advanced Reservoir and Tar Mat Evaluation Using Downhole Fluid Analysis and Asphaltene Flory-Huggins-Zuo EoS
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Initialising Dynamic Reservoir Models for History Matching Using Pre-Production 3D Seismic Data
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Comparative Study on Stress-dependent Permeability of Ultra-low Permeability Sandstone Rock Using Different Types of Fluid Media
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Harnessing Multiple Learning Styles for Training Diverse Field Personnel in Conventional Coring Operations
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Integrating True Valve Performance into Production System Analysis Based Gas Lift Design and Troubleshooting for Dukhan Field, Qatar
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Well Integrity Risk Mitigation vis-a-vis Revenue Potential: A Qualitative Model for Wellwork Prioritisation in Dukhan Field, Qatar
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The First Land Full Azimuth Seismic for Fractured-Cavernous Carbonate Reservoirs Exploration in Tarim Basin, Western China
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Imaging Earth
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Study on Matching Relation Between Polymer Molecular Size and Pore Size for Conglomerate Reservoir
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Reliable Fracture Characterisation and Value Addition Through Special Core Reorientation: Kuwait Case Study
A.M. Alenezi; S.R. Narhari; N.H. Al-Ajmi; C. Pattnaik; J.D. Rao; K.A. Al-Ateeqi; C. Staffelbach; Abdel-Hamid Anis Anis; S. Chakravorty; J.F. Barbe
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Best Practices and Application of Integrated Fit for Purpose Technologies to Revitalise High Water Cut Mature Fields A Case History from Offshore South China
Zou Xiaoping; Yu Guoda; Li Yanping; Huang Yingshi; Thanh Tran; Francisco Castellan; Li Yanping; Tian Xiang; Tong Jianjun; Parlindungan Monris Halomoan; Ge Lanhua; Amarjit Singh Bisain; Liu Yang
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A Type Curve for Carbonates Rock Typing
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Successful Implementation of Zirconate Borate Based Dual Crosslinked Gel and Continuous Mixing System During Proppant Fracturing Treatment in a Complex High Temperature and High Pressure Sandstone Gas Reservoir in Saudi Arabia that Exceeded the Well Objective and Showed Substantial Increase in Operational Efficiency - A Case Study
Saad M. Driweesh; Mohammed A. Al-Atwi; Ataur R. Malik; Jorge E. Duarte Olarte; Jairo A. Leal Jauregui; Simeon O. Bolarinwa
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The World's First Real Time Logging with Tractor in an Extended Reach Horizontal Well with Proof of True Stimulation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Unlocking the Potential of Complex Marginal Reservoir in Highly Mature Oil Field, XiJiang24 South China Sea
Luo Donghong; Yan Zhenghe; Gao Xiaofei; Rao Zhihua; Du Ding Yu; Parlindungan Monris Halomoan; Amarjit Singh Bisain; Liu Yang; Olivia Azwar
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Application of Walkaway VSP for Improving Seismic Imaging of Fractured-Cavernous Carbonate Reservoirs
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Case Study: Productivity Evaluation of Ultralow-Permeability Clastic Oil Reservoir Drilled at High Overbalance with Water Based Mud
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Development Optimisation of a Marginal Oil Field in Bohai Bay China - Integrated Solutions to Overcome Challenges in Offshore Horizontal Well Construction
Chaomin Nie; Yongsheng Zhao; Lv Tan; Yong Jia; Gang Zhai; Parlindungan Monris Halomoan; Xu Chong Hui; Wang Yong; Wang Fei; Dong Jianyi
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Quantitative Estimation of Gas Saturation by Frequency Dependent Avo: Numerical, Physical Modelling and Field Studies
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Successful Development of Thin Zones: Challenges and Strategies
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Non-Hyperbolic Moveout Multi-Parameter Anisotropic Tomography
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Sour Gas Amine Filtration Enhancement
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Scale Management in Mature Gas Field: Case Study of Peciko
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The Spectrum of Fine-Grained Reservoirs From
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Fill Cleanout Operations in Offshore Saudi Arabian Fields: Case Histories toward Improving Economics and Operational Logistics
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The Adaptability Research of Steam Flooding Assisted by Nitrogen Foam in Henan Oilfield
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Seismic Attributes and Advanced Computer Algorithm Method to Predict Formation Pore Pressure: Paleozoic Sediments of Northwest Saudi Arabia
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The Production Enhancement of NGL and Reduction of Pipeline Liquid Condensate Flaring with the Successful Implementation of Triethylene Glycol Dehydration Unit
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Multi-Azimuth Seismic Data Imaging in the Presence of Orthorhombic Anisotropy
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Use of High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in Building 3D Reservoir Geological Model - A Case Study from Kuwait
Nilotpaul Neog; Subrata Kumar Chakraborty; N.S. Rao; Christian Perrin; C. Pattnaik; Samar Al-Ashwak; Rawan Hussain Al-Mayyas; Areej Al-Darm; Khalid Al-Ateeqi
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Application of Reservoir Navigation with Boundaries Detecting Technologies in Lufeng Oilfield, South China Sea
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Renovation of Old Well Logs Run in Boreholes Drilled with Oil-Base Mud
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Evaluation of Inflow Control Devices to Reduce the Water Production in Horizontal Wells of the Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Successful Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing in V-Shape Well as a Method for the Development of Coal Bed Methane in China
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
An Effective Acid Placement Technique to Stimulate High-Temperature Sandstone and Carbonate Formations
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Preliminary Analysis of Diagenetic Effects on Basin Scale Overpressure Dynamics
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Seismic Interpretation Based on Mechanical Deformation Process
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A Multi-Well Performance Particle Gel Injection Evaluation Using a Sophisticated Simulator
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
First Horizontal Openhole Gravel Pack Installation in a Clastic Gas Reservoir: KM Field
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A Modified Archie Relationship - A Novel Approach to Evaluate Carbonate Reservoirs with Regard to Fracture and Isolated Vuggy Porosityfor Sw=1
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
A New Approach for the Estimation of a Laterally Variable Anisotropic Velocity Model
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The First Subsea Completion by an Operator in KN Field, Offshore Malaysia
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Fault Trap Modelling and Calculation of Reserves
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Evolution and Application of Geoscience Technology to Integrated Reservoir Characterisation for Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery - Cold Lake Field, Alberta, Canada
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Deepwater Production Improvement Through Proactive Reservoir Management and Conformance Control
Rahim Masoudi; Hooman Karkooti; Shlok Jalan; Anndy Arif; Keng S. Chan; Mohamad B. Othman; Steve Burford; Philip Bee
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Simulation of Chemical Interaction of Injected CO2 and Carbonic Acid Based on Laboratory Tests in 3D Coupled Geomechanical Modelling
Rahim Masoudi; Mohd Azran Abd Jalil; Chee Phuat Tan; David Press; John Keller; Leo Anis; Nasir Darman; Mohamad Othman
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Casing Failure Mechanism and Characterization under HPHT Conditions in South Texas
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Natural Gas Vehicles Will Develop Greatly in China
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Improved Oil Recovery by Hydrophilic Silica Nanoparticles Suspension: 2-Phase Flow Experimental Studies
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Integrating Fresh Methodologies, Technologies and Atypical Procedures Leads to Outstanding Production Enhancement Results in a Mature Field
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Sampling While-Drilling Goes Where Wireline Can't: Case Studies Illustrating Wireline Quality Measurements in Challenging Borehole Environments.
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Deepwater Reservoir Characterisation Using Tidal Signal Extracted from Permanent Downhole Pressure Gauge
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Combining Asphaltene Science and Downhole Fluid Analysis for Improved Reservoir Characterisation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Running Casing in Stands with Automate Casing Drive System - Case Studies
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Identification of Favorable CBM Area Based on a Two-Tier of System
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Real-Time Modeling-While-Drilling for Optimized Geosteering and Enhanced Horizontal Well Placement in Thin and Complex Reservoirs
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Optimal Fracture Spacing of a Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Wellbore to Induce Complex Fractures in a Reservoir Under High In-Situ Stress Anisotropy
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Role of Detailed Reservoir Characterization and Lateral Placement on Well Performance in the Marcellus Shale Gas Reservoir
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Optimum Development on Low Permeability Reservoir - New Phase Opportunity for Mature Badak Field
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The Mechanism of Leakoff Reduction of Clean Self-Diversion Acid in Acid Fracturing
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Successful Application of Unique Polyamine High Performance WaterBased Drilling Fluid in Bohai Bay Shale Formations
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
The Liwan Gas Project: A Case Study of South China Sea Deepwater Drilling Campaign
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
QC of the Reservoir Model Using Seismic, Well Logging and Petrophysical Data
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Assimilating Microseismic and Welltest Data Using EnKF for Accurate Reservoir Characterisation
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Drilling Risk Management in Offshore China: Insights and Lessons Learned from the Deepwater Horizon Incident
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Strategies of Land Internal Multiple Elimination Based on Inverse Scattering Series
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Thru-Tubing Gravel Pack Experiences in Malaysia
Shahryar Saebi; Maria Elba Rivero C.; Bogdan Claudiu Gornescu; Elshan Veysalli; Willem Sepulveda; Muhamad Zaki Zaini; Masato Kikuchi; Barbara Tsangueu
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Derisking of Unconventional Gas Opportunities: Application of Basin Modelling
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Natural Gas Exploration in Kuqa Foreland Thrust Belt
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Multi-Decollement Structure Modelling of Kuqa Fold-Thrust Belt in Tarim Basin
Wang Guichong; Gu Yongxing; Liu Yonglei; Xiong Xingying; Yuan Kunping; Li Li; Zhou Hongbo; Liu Jun; Shang Guoxi
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
From Well-Driven Seismic Data Processing to Seismic Reservoir Characterisation by 3D Seismic Imaging of Ordovician Karst Caves in West China
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Laboratory Study and Field Application of Fiber-Based Fracture Reorientation Technology
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Silurian Source Rock System in Time and Space
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi:
Characteristics and Origin of Microfracture in Lower Cretaceous Tight Sandstone from Kuqa Foreland Basin, NW China
Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, China, March 2013. doi: