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Keywords: velocity profile
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Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 11th North American Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 6–8, 2018
Paper Number: BHR-2018-443
... as the near wall velocity profile, Reynolds shear stress, axial and radial turbulent intensities were all influenced by the variation in particle size range. critical flow rate velocity profile particle size range flow rate sand bed different particle size range critical velocity shear stress...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 11th North American Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 6–8, 2018
Paper Number: BHR-2018-477
... shear stress profile at the pipe bottom, but also along the pipe perimeter. On the other hand, the constant values provided by the existing correlation gave a deviation from the measured profiles. velocity profile velocity field equation horizontal pipe liquid slug body flowline corrosion...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 9th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 11–13, 2014
Paper Number: BHR-2014-C2
... production control flow pattern oil-water flow riser corrosion pressure drop bhr group 2014 production monitoring horizontal pipe velocity profile upstream oil & gas pipeline corrosion Drag reduction in stratified oil-water flows L C Edomwonyi-Otu, M Chinaud, P Angeli Department of Chemical...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 8th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 20–22, 2012
Paper Number: BHR-2012-A008
.... This difference was observed to increase with water cut. In addition, a non-Newtonian behaviour of the emulsion was observed at high water cuts. This was verified by measuring the velocity profile using a Pitot tube. In-situ droplet sizes were measured using the focused beam reflectance technique. Neither...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 7th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 2–4, 2010
Paper Number: BHR-2010-E2
... prevention. agglomerate size velocity profile flow assurance plug growth rate upstream oil & gas turner model line 2 hydrate multiphase 7 equation discharge line hydrate formation suspension line 1 bhr group 2010 hydrate particle production rate deposition consumption rate...

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