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Keywords: experimental data
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Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 11th North American Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 6–8, 2018
Paper Number: BHR-2018-073
.... Flow regime were recorded with high speed video cameras. Experimental results were compared with existing models by Barnea (1987) and with a commercial dynamic multiphase flow simulator (OLGA7.3 ® ). Predictions with unified model had acceptable agreement with experimental data. 1. INTRODUCTION...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 11th North American Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 6–8, 2018
Paper Number: BHR-2018-097
... for its prediction. This study focuses on the evaluation of select entrainment fraction prediction models. Experimental data on liquid entrainment with hydrocarbon fluids in a 3-inch horizontal pipe at 8,375 kPa are presented and compared with predicted values. Two model improvements are proposed...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 10th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 8–10, 2016
Paper Number: BHR-2016-003
... 2016 viscosity upstream oil & gas transition transition criterion horizontal pipe taitel production control barnea flow in porous media liquid viscosity two-phase flow original taitel reservoir surveillance experimental data fluid dynamics Investigation of high-viscosity liquid...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 10th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 8–10, 2016
Paper Number: BHR-2016-245
... regime. The slug formation in the M-shaped jumper is predicted using a multiphase CFD model which is first validated on a simplified geometry comprising of a straight section and a 90 degree bend. For this simplified geometry, CFD prediction of slug is compared to experimental data obtained by the state...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 10th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 8–10, 2016
Paper Number: BHR-2016-351
..., mixture viscosity and water holdup, understanding the behavior of liquid-liquid flow is crucial. Thus, flow pattern maps or simulation tools are required. horizontal pipe boundary experimental data horizontal pipeline international journal oil-water flow flow pattern map machine learning...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 10th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 8–10, 2016
Paper Number: BHR-2016-421
... Abstract Over ten different slug frequency models/correlations were evaluated against experimental data as a part of this study. The effect of parameters such as pressure and flow development length on slug frequencies were studied and comparisons with model predictions were made...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 10th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 8–10, 2016
Paper Number: BHR-2016-433
... with experimental data and good agreement is observed. Flow solution from CFD and collected erosion data are also utilized to improve a 2-D model for annular flow application. It is shown that the combined CFD and 2-D model is a promising erosion prediction procedure for annular flows. Introduction Predicting...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 10th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 8–10, 2016
Paper Number: BHR-2016-459
... Abstract Majority of existing flow regime transition models do not identify the existence of plug and mist flows. Also, these models are applicable to either vertical or horizontal flow. Further, experimental data in literature show that the model of Taitel and Dukler (1976) under predict...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 10th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 8–10, 2016
Paper Number: BHR-2016-473
... Abstract Most multiphase flow models are developed and validated using a limited set of experimental data. Even when extensive experimental data are available, they are collected at laboratory conditions and/or test facilities, whose operating ranges and scales do not usually coincide...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 9th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 11–13, 2014
Paper Number: BHR-2014-D3
..., this paper proposes a new semi-mechanistic model for solids transport in pipes taking into account the multiple length scales that exist in stratified multiphase (liquid- gas) flow scenarios. Comparisons of the proposed model predictions to experimental data and existing models are discussed. Keywords...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 9th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 11–13, 2014
Paper Number: BHR-2014-D4
... logging bhr group 2014 stevenson single-phase solid transport model reservoir surveillance solid transport model stratified liquid gas flow statistics liquid velocity multiphase model experimental data production monitoring critical liquid velocity The use of single continuous-phase solids...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 9th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 11–13, 2014
Paper Number: BHR-2014-F2
... and slugging characteristics. Results suggest that one may be able to infer hydrate formation from the changes in the flow characteristics. Furthermore, a new gas-liquid slip model is proposed and validated by comparing flow regime predictions with experimental data, which show good agreement with literature...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 8th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 20–22, 2012
Paper Number: BHR-2012-A007
... with experimental data. 2 INTRODUCTION When gas and liquid flow simultaneously in a pipe, the two phases can distribute themselves in a variety of flow configurations. The flow configuration strongly depends on pipe inclination. For horizontal and near horizontal configurations, flow patterns can be classified...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 8th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 20–22, 2012
Paper Number: BHR-2012-A024
... pipeline transient behavior probability distribution poisson probability model artificial intelligence slug frequency machine learning slug flow correlation prediction bhr group 2012 slug catcher experimental data independent variable coefficient modeling probability slug frequency...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 7th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 2–4, 2010
Paper Number: BHR-2010-D3
... results. intermittent flow pattern experimental data heat transfer rate deviation experimental result constant heat flux upstream oil & gas multiphase 7 production monitoring bhr group 2010 pipe mechanistic model reservoir surveillance heat transfer coefficient flow pattern...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 7th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 2–4, 2010
Paper Number: BHR-2010-F1
... are compared against measured data, showing good agreement with the experimental data. To achieve these results, turbulence in the region close to the interface required the introduction of a law-of-the-wall based correction term in the turbulent energy dissipation equation. Two approaches for the turbulence...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 7th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 2–4, 2010
Paper Number: BHR-2010-F2
... oscillation mixture velocity experimental data multiphase 7 geometry flow rate liquid flow rate bhr group 2010 artificial intelligence slug frequency equation holdup gas flow rate terrain upstream oil & gas riser momentum balance inlet pressure sl 0 experiment Dynamic...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 7th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 2–4, 2010
Paper Number: BHR-2010-G1
...%, respectively. The heat transfer model can be used to predict the fluid bulk mean and wall temperatures along the pipe. This analytical model is also validated against experimental data. The test was conducted on a multi-phase facility with accurate flow control devices and effective thermal treating units...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 7th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, June 2–4, 2010
Paper Number: BHR-2010-I3
... was developed and solved in Fluent. The model predictions of flow regime transition and slug frequency were compared with experimental data and those of OLGA model. The slug movement was described based on the predicted liquid holdup traces at different locations of the system. Slug mitigation methods...

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