Gas-liquid two-phase flow in pipes is a common occurrence in the petroleum industry production and transportation of oil and gas. Brito et al. (2013) experimentally observed that slug flow is the most frequent flow pattern observed for medium oil viscosities. This study is focused on the effect of medium viscosity oil on the slug flow parameters for horizontal pipes. The experimental study has been carried out using a 50.8-mm-ID horizontal test pipe. Experiments were conducted at temperatures from 70 to 120 °F, corresponding to oil viscosities from 166 to 39 cP, respectively. An appropriate instrumentation set, data acquisition system, experimental procedure and data analysis were applied in order to reduce the uncertainty in the acquired data.
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Experimental Study To Characterize Slug Flow for Medium Oil Viscosities in Horizontal Pipes
C. Sarica
C. Sarica
The University of Tulsa
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Paper presented at the 9th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, Banff, Canada, June 2014.
Paper Number:
June 11 2014
Brito, R., Pereyra, E., and C. Sarica. "Experimental Study To Characterize Slug Flow for Medium Oil Viscosities in Horizontal Pipes." Paper presented at the 9th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, Banff, Canada, June 2014.
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