
This paper summarizes the performance of an online multiphase flow transient simulator in an operating deepwater oil field offshore Angola. Continuous use of a Flow Assurance Management System (FAMS) over a 2 year period has helped verifying its accuracy beyond field data uncertainty. Monthly steady state performance reports (FAMS vs. field) prepared by the FA Operations team have shown good agreement between predictions and measurements. Some instances where discrepancies have been identified also provided valuable information to the operations. Transient conditions such as production shutdowns, restarts and hot oil circulations have also been studied and shown good agreement for all practical and operational purposes. Continuous improvement of the tool when it comes to reliability and accuracy during certain transient and steady-state scenarios is also addressed.


In today's oil and gas business there are limited manpower resources available with indepth expertise on how to optimize production and manage flow assurance risks. There is a need for knowledge in several fields ranging from geology/reservoir engineering, production engineering, flow assurance and process engineering. FAMS is a common collaboration platform designed for integrated operations with multi-discipline expertise sitting in multiple locations.

FAMS is based on multiphase transient flow simulation models interfaced to live field instrumentation data and contains functions for production operations monitoring, forecasting and production planning together with advisors implemented to address specific flow assurance threats. FAMS is based on first principle modelling and provides the end-users with virtual measurements of thermal-hydraulic conditions in the subsea production system, typically flow rates, pressures, temperatures, velocities, liquid holdups, flow regimes and slug catcher conditions. The main objective is to improve the understanding of current and future operating conditions of the field to enable a proactive and cost-effective management of operation.

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