The oil-water stratified flow pattern is common in the petroleum industry, especially in offshore directional wells and pipelines. Using the experimental rig of the Thermal-Fluids Engineering laboratory of the Engineering School of Sao Carlos at University of Sao Paulo, stratified and semi-stratified flow patterns at different pipe inclinations were observed and characterized by an objective technique (time-frequency pressure signature analysis); objective transition criteria are suggested and based on it, flow pattern maps of the superficial velocities for several inclinations are generated. New holdup and pressure drop data in inclined stratified flow were acquired, which are compared with predictions of the standard homogeneous and two-fluid models. The comparisons help to assess the limitations of the two-fluid model for stratified flow.
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15th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology
June 15–17, 2011
Cannes, France
Holdup, Pressure Drop and Objective Classification of Inclined Oil-Water Stratified Flow
M.S. de Castro;
M.S. de Castro
University of São Paulo at São Carlos
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C.C. Pereira;
C.C. Pereira
University of São Paulo at São Carlos
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F.A.A. Mendes;
F.A.A. Mendes
University of São Paulo at São Carlos
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O.M.H. Rodriguez
O.M.H. Rodriguez
University of São Paulo at São Carlos
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Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, Cannes, France, June 2011.
Paper Number:
June 15 2011
de Castro, M.S., Pereira, C.C., Mendes, F.A.A., and O.M.H. Rodriguez. "Holdup, Pressure Drop and Objective Classification of Inclined Oil-Water Stratified Flow." Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, Cannes, France, June 2011.
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