The conveyance of multiphase fluids with very high gas volume fractions (GVF's) by means of multiphase screw pumps represents a challenging task. The correct prediction of the pump characteristics and temperature distribution inside the pump at GVF's from 90 % up to the loss of prime is very important. In this research, the most significant part of a new screw pump model is presented. This model deals with the compressibility, acceleration and heat transfer effects of the two-phase mixture inside the internal clearances. It is used to predict the decrease of the volumetric flow rate at very high GVF's. Furthermore a finite volume based CFD programme was developed to enable the calculation of the two-phase flow through all clearances, using the homogeneous equilibrium model.
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13th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology
June 13–15, 2007
Edinburgh, UK
Investigation of the Fluid Dynamic and Thermodynamic Behaviour of Multiphase Screw Pumps Handling Liquid/Gas Mixtures with very High Gas Volume Fractions
G. Hausmann
G. Hausmann
University of Applied Sciences
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Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, Edinburgh, UK, June 2007.
Paper Number:
June 13 2007
Räbiger, K., Maksoud, T.M.A., Ward, J., and G. Hausmann. "Investigation of the Fluid Dynamic and Thermodynamic Behaviour of Multiphase Screw Pumps Handling Liquid/Gas Mixtures with very High Gas Volume Fractions." Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, Edinburgh, UK, June 2007.
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