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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-580
... wellness program to group health benefits used to be the first step for employers who want to proactively reign in their increasing group healthcare costs. This approach is slow, sometimes ineffective, and difficult to measure success. More importantly, this philosophy is becoming obsolete. By adding...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 26–29, 2016
Paper Number: ASSE-16-544
... of an effective wellness program that can help an organization manage their health care costs. As part of Aon s Ageonomics practice, we analyze these key pillars, including leadership, program quality, accessibility and communication of not only wellness but safety, ergonomics and other programs, to understand...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 26–29, 2016
Paper Number: ASSE-16-575
... health providing Group Health insurance to cover employees when they get sick is far less effective than one that combines preventive efforts with transparent/reactive medical services. Adding a traditional Wellness program to group health benefits used to be the first step for employers who want...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-606
.... A desirable outcome of the IDEAS process might be interventions targeting behavioral and lifestyle thus increasing the opportunity to engage the at risk worker population described above who generally do not participate in the company wellness program regardless of incentives offered. Safety Climate...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-765
... programs. Employee participation rates vary, depending on the wellness program and incentive offered. Incentives worth at least $100 are needed in order to get 75% participation rate. Rewards smaller than that tend to motivate only 30-50%. The belief that wellness programs provide savings to employers has...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-767
... was not informed of the role that worker fatigue played in causing these catastrophes. This has contributed to the lack of emphasis and focus which healthy sleep and rest deserve. wellness program healthy sleep microsleep national sleep foundation sleep deprivation safety sleep hygiene circadian...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-514
... vicki missar wellness program training program The Issue The American employer is facing and an impending crisis that is fast approach and in some cases is already here. The safety profession is going to be affected dramatically and needs to get involved now in order to get ahead of the curve...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-564
... services. Adding a traditional "Wellness" program to group health benefits used to be the first step for employers who want to "proactively" reign in their increasing group healthcare costs. This approach is slow, sometimes ineffective, and difficult to measure success. More importantly, this philosophy...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 8–11, 2014
Paper Number: ASSE-14-654
... health, such as providing group health insurance to cover employees when they get sick, is far less effective than one that combines preventive efforts with transparent/reactive medical services. Adding a traditional wellness program to group health benefits used to be the first step for employers who...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 8–11, 2014
Paper Number: ASSE-14-755
... such as exercise, diet, and smoking, and these are what most wellness programs attempt to target. Programs that create the right environment for new health behaviors and provide support for those behaviors are the most successful. Without the right conditions and support, a workplace wellness program cannot work...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 24–27, 2013
Paper Number: ASSE-13-628
... services. Adding a traditional "Wellness" program to group health benefits used to be the first step for employers who want to "proactively" reign in their increasing group healthcare costs. This approach is slow, sometimes ineffective, and difficult to measure success. More importantly, this philosophy...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 3–6, 2012
Paper Number: ASSE-12-620
... wellness program Session No. 620 Health Promotion and Risk Factors: Developing a Roadmap for Prevention Peter P. Greaney, M.D. Chief Executive Officer WorkCare, Inc. Anaheim, CA Introduction The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 3–6, 2012
Paper Number: ASSE-12-780
... a traditional wellness program to group health benefits is the first step for employers that want to proactively reign in their increasing group healthcare costs. This approach is slow, sometimes ineffective, and difficult to measure success. More importantly, this philosophy is becoming obsolete. By adding...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 13–15, 2010
Paper Number: ASSE-10-656
... as an organization. johnson cardiology injury investment health & medicine benden workforce wellness program ergonomics productivity absenteeism neutral posture sept employer consumer health human factors posture category workstation public health vascular disease workplace weight...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exhibition, June 28–July 1, 2009
Paper Number: ASSE-09-736
..., it is the psychological safety initiatives that appear to be a key component in moving an organization from good to great. Occupational safety professionals have opportunities for job enlargement in areas beyond the traditional function s scope in matters such as wellness program, workplace violence prevention...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exhibition, June 9–12, 2008
Paper Number: ASSE-08-507
... Introduction Employee retention, rising health care costs, addressing an aging population, and a desire for employees to be "healthier because they work at Intel" all influenced Intel's decision to create a company sponsored health and wellness program. Based on a vision of developing...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 11–14, 2006
Paper Number: ASSE-06-541
... Health & Medicine human factors fitness assessment consumer health wellness program strategic health management fitness program Bang healthy workplace practical information employee wellness program blood pressure wellness promotion Ergonomics US government obesity overweight...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 12–15, 2005
Paper Number: ASSE-05-654
... then in 1973. High fat diets (fast food) and lack of exercise are the causes cited. health & medicine wellness program low back pain consumer health back pain workforce workplace effective program stress reduction ergonomics injury participant wellness state compensation insurance fund...

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