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Basic Safety Management Elements

The elements that make up an effective basic safety management plan

  1. Management/Policy

  2. Recordkeeping

  3. Loss Analysis

  4. Safety & Health Education/Training

  5. Safety & Health Inspections/Surveys

  6. Accident/Incident Reporting & Investigations

  7. Plan & Programs Review


  • The employer has the responsibility of providing a workplace free of any recognized hazards

  • Safety management plan must rest on a solid foundation of management commitment and support

  • Commitment

  • To pledge or assign to some particular course or use

  • Support

  • To provide resources

  • Uphold, advocate, champion

  • Management must thoughtfully and thoroughly develop a safety and health policy that can be understood, believed and sets the tone for action

  • Must understand what the policy means

  • Policy should be short and to the point (preferably approximately a half page)

  • Must establish challenging (realistic) goals for that particular organization/industry

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