
What sets the best safety performers apart? How do they consistently sustain outcomes others struggle to reach? This paper explores the 11 characteristics of great safety leadership. It examines the best leadership practices that lead to safety outcomes that are both desired and able to be applied consistently across worksites and levels. They reflect a management style that gets the most out of employees and achieves the organization's goals in safety and production. These characteristics are the practical, everyday ways a leader can directly develop a culture capable of sustaining world-class safety performance.

The 11 Characteristics of Great Safety Performers

Across industries the best performers in safety consistently sustain outcomes others struggle to reach. Their success is founded on executing a number of practices consistently, regardless of the challenges they face. Gleaned from over 25 years of partnership with some of the best companies and leaders in the world, these 11 practices frame your safety journey and give you the tools you need to reach safety's summit.

After years of working with and studying organizations that have achieved greatness in safety, we have distilled 11 characteristics that distinguish great safety leaders from others. These characteristics are fundamental to assure a culture that supports safety improvement and sustains the right behaviors over time.

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