In the last decade nanotechnology has made myriad inroads into mainstream society through products such as coatings on cell phones, antimicrobial socks, static-free pants, self-cleaning toilets, automobile paints, solar paint, lighter and stronger baseball bats, lighter and damage tolerant wind turbine blades, and fuel cells. More efficient methods of producing nanomaterials have been developed and production volume has increased. These efforts are bringing down the cost of nanomaterials. As the cost of nanomaterials decreases, more products using nanomaterials are being developed. However, tomorrow's engineers and technologists will also need to assume responsibility for establishing safe practices for working with nanomaterials and for safeguarding the environment. In the absence of specialized training in issues related to health, safety and environmental impacts of nanotechnology, the tendency will be either to focus only on the optimizing performance and cost while incorporating nanomaterials without regard to health and safety concerns, or to be overly cautious and avoid using nanotechnology. Since nanomaterials are a new class of materials, there exists a degree of uncertainty about long-term effects on health and the environment, making these decisions less clear-cut. Therefore, in order to realize the full potential of revolutionary nanotechnologies and at the same time minimize undesirable consequences, engineers and technologists need to be educated in how to judge health and safety risks, how to weigh ethical considerations, and how to make informed decisions.
There has been a need to investigate safety issues around the use of nanomaterials [1] To date, most nano-EHS research has consisted of acute toxicity tests in cell cultures, and much of it has focused on inhalation as a potential route of exposure [2]. However, other exposure routes such as ingestion, absorption, and injection also exist. For instance, certain ENMs have been shown in animal studies to translocate along the olfactory nerve into the brain, to cross the placenta, and to penetrate damaged or diseased skin. Once inside the body, certain ENMs have induced inflammatory responses, cardiovascular effects, pulmonary fibrosis, and genotoxicity. Moreover, some carbon nanotubes - one of the most widely researched classes of ENMs from both a technological and toxicological perspective - have even been shown to induce asbestos-like effects in rodents [3].