This presentation will focus on three subjects embedded in ANSI Z-10 2012: Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. The subjects to be discussed and demonstrated are:
3.0 Management Leadership and Employee Participation
4.0 Planning
5.0 Implementation and Operation- "Risk Assessment"
We will describe and demonstrate (through a hands on workshop.) how M.C. Dean placed special emphasis upon a simple, easy to understand, daily planning process that includes management and employee engagement. This process was initiated because management listened to a suggestion from an employee to place the Organizational Risk Management (ORM) symbol on a white board to guide employee teams in the daily work briefing. This delivery method caught fire as each work crew at every project began the practice. Within weeks the white boards began popping up at project locations worldwide. The phenomena of the dramatic change in this simple workplace safety practice stimulated a change in the culture that was clearly visible within weeks of the implementation. Excitement for the process spread as employees began to realize that their ideas, concerns and issues were being resolved in a timely manner. Employee involvement in real time risk assessments for all work activities created awareness among the work force and resulted in immediate reductions in incidents and accidents world-wide.
Employees began looking after each other's well being, rather than watching an incident occur and also began communicating and resolving safety issues on their own. The traditional enforcement and compliance approach was abandoned for a more collaborative system that focused on people rather than regulations.
Management involvement increased as teams began to clearly understand the mission and teamwork improvements were evident. Traditional "us versus them" barriers were quickly broken down as communication improved and better performance followed. Expected Learning outcomes:
Attendees will learn how to engage their employees via specific proven practices.
Attendees will learn how to engage with senior management via specific proven practices.
Attendees will learn how to help senior management engage with employees.
Attendees will learn how to plan work in a simple, easy to understand process.