
Entering a confined space to inspect, clean, repair or to coat requires a set of procedures that must comply with the law, or in some cases, follow recommended industry practices. This attempts to ensure the space does not present hazards that could cause death or serious physical harm.

The occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) for general industry in 29 CFR 1910 contains section .146 entitled Permit-required confined spaces, which contains requirements for employers covered under OSHA, to ensure workers enter, work & exit safely permit spaces.

This session, on the other hand, addresses safe work procedures, authorized by management, which are necessary to enter, work and exit a non-permit confined space safely. These specific work practices are entitled safe work authorized procedures (SWAP) and are designed to cover confined spaces that meet the definition of confined space, but do not meet the definition of permit spaces as specified in OSHA's 1910.146 (b) or are permit-required confined spaces reclassified to non-permit spaces under 1910.146(c)(7).

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