The widespread belief that productivity is the sole key to gaining a competitive advantage in today's global marketplace is oversimplified. Forward-thinking manufacturers recognize that driving profitability and a sustainable competitive edge requires a broader, more strategic approach to managing the relationship between Productivity, Quality, Risk and Safety (PQRS).
In the following pages, we will outline a model based on the PQRS construct, and describe in detail how best-in-class manufacturers use automation, real-time risk management, proactive safety programs, and risk performance metrics to improve safety and business performance.
For years, many employers have viewed a productive, competitive operation as being at odds with meeting safety regulatory requirements and reducing injury and incident rates. More recently, updated global standards and technology developments have created an environment in which safety and productivity can not only coexist, but also prosper with mutual success.
Employers are required by law, and by social responsibility, to provide a safe working environment, while also being required by shareholders to deliver profit. Best-in-class manufacturers have realized that they can attain both of these critically important yet seemingly conflicting goals by taking a broader, more strategic approach to their operations.