
Safety professionals around the world are being challenged to do more with much less and many safety departments are operating with smaller budgets and less staff. Fortunately, this does not mean that you have to resort to showing the same old safety videotapes over and over or leave out training games and activities all together. You can add value to your training classes and make them more effective by adding training games and activities that get your audience involved. Luckily, with just a little planning and creativity, you can create interactive activities no matter what your budget.

Look around your office. What do you see that you could use in a safety training class? One of the most readily available safety training activity materials is paper. Yes, plain old white copy paper. What else? Take a visit to your office supply closet. There are many possibilities for training materials right there in front of you if you use your imagination.

Safety training is too important to be boring. Even with carefully planned slides, great content and a great video, safety trainers are still likely to see trainees dozing off or not paying attention. When safety training is not interactive and trainees focus on something other than the topic, they are not learning the important information that is being presented. Safety training games and other interactive activities are one way to keep the trainee involved while increasing his or her learning and retention of the material. Safety games make learning interactive by making the trainee an active participant and making mundane information something enjoyable and memorable.

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