The Liberty Mutual Trucker's Survey is used to identify and quantify trucking company industry accepted and best practices and provide benchmarks for comparing your results with other trucking companies. The survey is not used to for rating and pricing your auto liability coverage.
The crash frequency rate measured in crashes with costs over $1,000 was higher than the past two years. The overall driver quality measured as the percent of drivers with clear driving records (three years for moving violations five years for major violations) went down. Truckers with the best results have high quality drivers, establish performance expectations, closely monitor driver performance and place value on maintaining a good safety record. We continue to see a small number of companies with exceptional driver quality achieve excellent results with average programs due to the high driver quality.
The survey was sent to over 200 trucking operations insured by Liberty Mutual's Business Market. Over 84 percent of the truckers responded to our survey. The total miles for the truckers with auto coverage exceeded 845 million. The average miles per trucker were over 8 million.
We obtain exposure, operations and safety program information from our truckers. We obtain loss information, motor vehicle record summaries and coverage data from our systems. We obtain Safer and SafeStat data from public sources. Losses and miles were from 1.1.2005 thru 12.31.2005 with losses as of 4.30.2006. We then look for relationships between crash frequency rates and program elements taking into account the overall driver quality for each company using or not using a specific program element.
Based on a review of the crash rates per million miles and the customer survey responses, we identified four key areas of high-performing programs. These programs:
The report identified the main areas where a program area or practice was associated with lower crash frequency rates. The quality of the drivers was reviewed to determine if the results were achieved by using a program element or if the companies using a particular program element happened to have higher quality drivers. The items reviewed are categorized by selection, management, policies, equipment and training.
60% or more of the drivers have clear driving records
six months or longer probation period for new drivers
longer probation periods based on driving records
road tests of two hours or longer
more extensive road tests based on driving records