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Keywords: impact velocity
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, June 23–26, 2019
Paper Number: ARMA-2019-1612
... and blasting. In this study, a novel Triaxial Hopkinson pressure bar was used to study the dynamic properties of rocks having a multi-axial stress state. Dynamic compression tests for sandstone are conducted over a wide range of impact velocities under different true tri-axial confined conditions. Experimental...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, June 17–20, 2018
Paper Number: ARMA-2018-512
... under five different impact velocities are carried out. The fracture surface area of rock fragments and surface energy of the two kinds of rock have been studied based on the fractal principle and fracture mechanics theory. Furthermore, the fragment-size distribution of broken rock is obtained...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 48th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, June 1–4, 2014
Paper Number: ARMA-2014-7144
... impulse fracture Index Testing drilling operation impact velocity traditional rock mechanics force-time curve drop height hardness deformation ARMA 14-7144 Non-Destructive Impulse Based Index Testing of Rock Core Rathbun, A.P., Carlson, S.R., Ewy, R.T., Hagin, P.N. and Bovberg, C.A. Chevron...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, June 28–July 1, 2009
Paper Number: ARMA-09-153
... Abstract A DEM code has been used to simulate impact induced rock fragmentation in rock fall analysis with a simplified impact model inspired by the theory of dynamic foundation. It has been shown that the magnitude of impact velocity, the angle of the incidence, the ground condition all play...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 32nd U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), July 10–12, 1991
Paper Number: ARMA-91-441
...-time history, m is the mass of the projectile. (5) u (Vo-U) *dr where u is the particle velocity associated with the 444 instantaneous deceleration of the rock specimen during impact, V o is the impact velocity. The influence of reduction in the impact mass can be considered crudely, by assuming...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 12th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), November 16–18, 1970
Paper Number: ARMA-70-0597
... shale target agreement impact velocity equation total energy partition Chapter 31 ENERGY PARTITIONING DURING HYPERVELOCITY IMPACT ON ROCKS Leslie R. Hill and Wallace E. Johnson t Sandia Laboratories Albuquerque New Mexico 87115 tSystems Science and Software La Jolla California ABSTRACT As part...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 12th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), November 16–18, 1970
Paper Number: ARMA-70-0547
...- tration characteristics of Pink Tennessee Marble for varying bit impact velocities (1). The average bit velocity in percussive drilling being of the order of magnitude 10 ft/sec, it was felt that a range of 0 - 250 ft/sec in these tests would cover the extent of velocities that can be obtained in practice...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 4th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), March 30–April 1, 1961
Paper Number: ARMA-61-163
... velocity associated with the stress pulse. Here again, if the value of the tensile strength of the rock is substituted for the stress, the result- ing value for the particle velocity is a critical impact velocity that must be exceeded if tensile failure is to occur. The velocity of the broken rock...

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