In order to generate a full-scale, real world data set for calibration purposes for the rockfall simulation program RAMMS::ROCKFALL, we conducted extensive single block induced rockfall experiments with blocks of 200/800/2670 kg (~440/1760/5890 lb). With a fully four-dimensional trajectory reconstruction, we are able to retrieve the full set of parameters of interest on the single block rockfall trajectories such as translational velocity vectors, angular velocities, impact duration and forces, ballistic jump heights and lengths. This invaluable information can now be used for calibration purposes of the rockfall simulation code kernel, matching simulation performance to experimental results. Here, we present experimental data of the wheel shaped norm test rock EOTA221/780kg, its reconstruction methodologies and subsequent calibration routines, with the aim to reduce the risks of inaccurate modelling caused by insufficiently calibrated models.RAMMS::ROCKFALL is the rockfall module in the RAMMS-Software suite (
imulation). It applies a novel contact-algorithm to model rockfalls, as opposed to most other rockfall simulation programs relying solely on restitution coefficients. The model accounts for real rock shapes, computing their runout trajectory over 3D terrain, including their jump heights, velocity, rotational velocity, rotational and total kinetic energy. All possible modes of rockfall motion (jumping, rolling and sliding) are deterministically simulated. Dynamics of single trajectories can be individually inspected or sets of multiple trajectories can be statistically analyzed.