For an efficient design in a hydraulic fracturing operation, reliable predictions of the applied pressure, and fracture initiation and propagation are important. In this paper, a hybrid bonded particle system and finite element domain is used to study the crack propagation around a pressurized borehole. Different in situ stresses and borehole sizes are considered. In addition, the effect of material ductility and size effect are studied and discussed. The results show that borehole size has an important effect on the crack extension regime. It appears that due to the existence of an internal length in a bonded particle system, the observed size effect can be at least partially explained within the frame work of a nonlocal or gradient continuum theory.
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53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium
June 23–26, 2019
New York City, New York
Bonded Particle Simulation of Cavity Expansion Test in Rock
Fatemeh Molaei;
Fatemeh Molaei
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
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Ali Fakhimi
Ali Fakhimi
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology / School of Civil and Environmental Engineering / Tarbiat Modares University
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Paper presented at the 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, New York City, New York, June 2019.
Paper Number:
June 23 2019
Molaei, Fatemeh, and Ali Fakhimi. "Bonded Particle Simulation of Cavity Expansion Test in Rock." Paper presented at the 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, New York City, New York, June 2019.
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