In this study two series of uniaxial compression and indirect tensile (Brazilian) tests, as well as a multi-stage triaxial compression test were performed in order to determine the mechanical properties and to develop a shear failure-criterion for a particular Cemented Paste Backfill (CPB). CPB is used in underground mines for backfilling excavated stopes. This practice provides ground support to adjacent stopes, thereby permitting mining of the surrounding ore (i.e., increased ore recovery). It is a high-density, non-segregating, low-plasticity mixture of mine tailings, binder, and water which typically contains 70%-85% solids. The multistage triaxial test has been adopted as an alternative to a series of single-stage triaxial tests to determine engineering material parameters of rocks, whereas three single-stage triaxial tests are required to obtain a complete failure envelope, one multi-stage triaxial test may give the complete failure envelope. This paper mainly focuses on the experimental development of a shear failure criterion using just one multi-stage triaxial test of a CPB consisting of carbonate sand with grain size = 250 µm instead of mine tailings, Portland cement as a binder and tap water.
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52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium
June 17–20, 2018
Seattle, Washington
A Multi-Stage Triaxial Test for Cemented Paste Backfill
Z. G. Agioutantis;
Z. G. Agioutantis
University of Kentucky
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S. P. Mavrigiannakis;
S. P. Mavrigiannakis
Technical University of Crete
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P. P. Nomikos
P. P. Nomikos
Technical University of Athens
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Paper presented at the 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, June 2018.
Paper Number:
June 17 2018
Kaklis, K. N., Agioutantis, Z. G., Mavrigiannakis, S. P., and P. P. Nomikos. "A Multi-Stage Triaxial Test for Cemented Paste Backfill." Paper presented at the 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, June 2018.
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