Urbanization combined with high population density characterize the current settlements, being a social, economic and environmental phenomenon important, which compromises the planning and management of cities. Therefore, the perception of environmental risks becomes relevant and integrate structural actions and planning for the modern cities. This study has the objective to propose a information modelling that support the natural disaster studies, using data from laser profiling (LiDAR) and UAV in the Três Rios City, which, associated with the geological-geotechnical parameters, obtained by SPT Survey (Standard Penetration Test) and hydrological parameters make up the map of areas liable to the risk of mass movements. The study you can explore, through geostatistics methods, possible in the GIS, the geotechnical subsurface information, when subjected to heavy rains, making an association with the topography of the region and the type of urban occupancy.
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51st U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium
June 25–28, 2017
San Francisco, California, USA
Proposal for Geotechnical Modeling in Municipal Scale of Susceptible Areas to Mass Movement Using Laser Profiling and Geostatistical: Case Study
Cleverson Alves de Lima;
Cleverson Alves de Lima
Federal University of Viçosa
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Eduardo Antônio Gomes;
Eduardo Antônio Gomes
Federal University of Viçosa
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Laís Emily Assis;
Laís Emily Assis
Federal University of Viçosa
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Thais Simões Coelho Souza;
Thais Simões Coelho Souza
Federal University of Viçosa
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Sady Junior Martins da Costa de Menezes
Sady Junior Martins da Costa de Menezes
Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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Paper presented at the 51st U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, California, USA, June 2017.
Paper Number:
June 25 2017
de Lima, Cleverson Alves, Gomes, Eduardo Antônio, Assis, Laís Emily, Souza, Thais Simões Coelho, and Sady Junior Martins da Costa de Menezes. "Proposal for Geotechnical Modeling in Municipal Scale of Susceptible Areas to Mass Movement Using Laser Profiling and Geostatistical: Case Study." Paper presented at the 51st U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, California, USA, June 2017.
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