
Aiming at the problem of gas control in mining process of deep well and high gas low permeability coal seam group, raise the method of surface well, cross-measure boreholes in bed plate tunnel, gas drainage from holes along roof strike and goaf drainage pipe. According to the condition of protective seam, construct of “three dimensional” gas drainage pattern in coal seam, goaf and adjacent layer. The Application effect of first mining face of 1252 (1) in Pan Yidong Mine shows that release pure gas amount of protective layer bottom lane wear layer drilling pump reaches 42.09m3/min,which is 44.45% for the extraction of total and gets notable effects. On surface well, it mainly is protective gas, its average concentration, 47.5%, is the highest. Gas drainage from holes along roof strike and goaf drainage pipe takes Mining goaf layer gas. Because of low concentration, it is only 9.09 m3/min. Although its total poured gas reaches 105.8 m3/min, it adapts vertical gas extraction mode, and different extraction way extracts different source of gas, and thus solves effectively the problem of low permeability of coal seam gas control.


The main mining method of Huainan mining area is seam group mining. And with the increasing depth of mine, gas pressure and gas content are also increasing. Thus the coal and gas outburst happene easier. First mining face is the key, because a large amount of gas emits from neighboring layer during the stooping in first coal mining face. In order to avoid gas exceeding limit, we have to take effective control measures to ensure safe and efficient mine production [1-3]. “The low permeability coal seam mining group first key seam relief - mining Mined side gas distribution and drainage technology, reveals the “Y” type ventilation goaf side pressure relief gas rich region, migration channel, gas distribution and pressure relief on gas migration law, put forward new technologies and new ways to stay roadway drilling method of coal and gas extraction” Yuan Liang studied[4]. “The low permeability coal seam group with high gas pressure relief gas drainage mechanism and experimental, revealed the influence of mining roof and floor strata dynamic evolution of fractures and relief on gas migration law at first mining seam group key relief layer after mining area, found goaf side of vertical fractured zone, and bottom band bending subsidence expansion deformation bands within coal swell deformation, a significant increase in the permeability of the coal seam” Lu Ping studied[5]. Pan Yidong Mine takes 1252 (1) First Coal Face as a under protective layer, with the mine influence, the relief gas from adjacent layer 13-1 coal seam will tumbles in 1252 (1) Mining goaf, causing a large amount of gas emission. The paper presents high gas seam group first mining face gas comprehensive control technology, and it can guide gas control in Huainan Mining engineering practice, and has important theoretical significance and practical value for Y-type ventilation Protective Layer Mining Face Gas Management.

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