Triaxial test was carried out under confining pressure of 1-15 MPa at 22°C by using an ultra compact triaxial cell on Shikotsu welded tuff, Kimachi sandstone and Inada granite. The permeability was measured by using constant flow or transient pulse method. In case of tuff with increasing stress, permeability decreased to residual strength state. In case of sandstone permeability began to decrease, reached minima before peak stress, began to increase again and reached almost stable value under residual strength state; The permeability from consolidation to residual strength state increased under 1 MPa, was almost the same values under 5-10 MPa with some exceptions, it decreased under 11-15 MPa. For granite, the permeability and stress relationship was the same as sandstone; The permeability ratio of consolidation to residual strength decreased with increasing confining pressure up to 9 MPa, afterward the permeability began to increase under 11-15 MPa. From the experimental results, sealability can be improved in EdZ for all the rocks. For tuff improvement of sealability can also be expected in EDZ; for sandstone it is achievable if enough support pressure is applied but for granite it cannot be expected.
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47th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium
June 23–26, 2013
San Francisco, California
Effect of Confining Pressure on Permeability During Deformation and Failure of Several Rocks Under Compression
Paper presented at the 47th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, California, June 2013.
Paper Number:
June 23 2013
Alam, A.K.M.B., Niioka, M., and Y. Fujii. "Effect of Confining Pressure on Permeability During Deformation and Failure of Several Rocks Under Compression." Paper presented at the 47th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, California, June 2013.
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