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Proceedings Papers
43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium
June 28–July 1, 2009
Asheville, North Carolina
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43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium
Critical Review Of Leak-Off Test As A Practice For Determination Of In-Situ Stresses
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Investigation of Thin Spray-On Liners Using Numerical Modeling
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Three-Dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (3-D DDA) With nth-order Polynomial Displacement Functions
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Quality Control of Turkish Calcareous Natural Stone Using the Merkont System
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Fundamentals of Probabilistic Slope Design & Its Use In Pit Optimization
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
A $100MM "Rock": Bitumen In the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Laboratory Testing On Geomechanical Properties of Carbonate Rocks For CO2 Sequestration
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Fracture-Conductivity Loss Caused By Geochemical Interactions Between Man-Made Proppants And Formations
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Evolution of Fracture Permeability In Granite And Its Evaluation Via Coupled Chemo-Mechano Conceptual Model
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Study On Application of Displacement Measurement Method In 3-D Physical Model Tests of Cavern Complex
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
A New Forecast Method of Opening Displacement And Its Engineering Application
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Coupled Hydromechanical And Reactive Transport Processes With Application to Carbon Sequestration
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Metamorphic Rock Mass Characterization Using the Geological Strength Index (GSI)
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Reliability Assessment of Hoek-Brown Rock Mass Stability
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Physical And Numerical Investigation of a Cemented Granular Assembly Under Uniaxial And Triaxial Compression
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
A Strain-softening Model For Drilling-induced Damage On Boreholes In Williston Basin
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Measurement of Conical Bit Rotation
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Experimental Study of Dissolving Effect On Mechanical Characteristics of Rock Salt
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Experimental Study And PFC Modelling of Failure Process of Brittle Rock Under Uniaxial Compression
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Hydraulic Fracturing Mechanisms In Carbon Sequestration Applications
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
The Application of a Structural Thin Support Liner (TSL) On Mines
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Modeling Fluid Mixture Transport And Cross-Flow In Layered Media
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Particle Shape On Percolation
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Hydromechanics of a Virtual Rock Core
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
The Distinct Element Analysis For Hydraulic Fracturing Considering The Fluid Viscosity
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Experimental Study On Reinforcement Mechanism of Rock Bolts to Jointed Rock Mass
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Drillability of a Rock In Terms of Its Physico-Mechanical And Micro-Structural Properties
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Undrained Poroelastic Response of Berea Sandstone And Indiana Limestone to Confining And Deviatoric Stress Change
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Strength And Failure Mode As a Function of Macropore Spacing:Experimental And Numerical Investigation
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Characterizing Internal Macropores Using Cross-specimen Acoustic Tomography: Verification of Two Dimensional Results
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Modeling Variation of Stress And Permeability In Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using Displacement Discontinuity Method
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Surface Deformation-based Reservoir Monitoring In Inhomogeneous Media
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Foundation Investigations For Refurbishment Cut-off Walls At Arapuni Dam, New Zealand
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Anisotropy of the Strength, Deformability, And Dilatancy of Rock Fractures
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Analysis of the KII Mode Shear Fracture Toughness For Brittle Materials
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Evaluation of the Strength of a Rock Mass Considering the Critical Strain of the Intact Rock By a Homogenization Method
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Application of Synthetic Rock Mass Modeling to Estimate the Strength of Jointed Sandstone
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
LaModel Analysis of the Crandall Canyon Mine Collapse
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Observation, Characterization And Modeling of Fracture Initiation In Rock
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Coupled Thermal/fracturing Process of Rocks
B. Shen; H.M. Kim; E.S. Park; T.K. Kim; J.M. Lee; H.S. Lee; R. Junker; M. Rinne; T. Backers; T. Meier; Ove Stephansson
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Strengthening a Wellbore With Multiple Fractures: Further Investigation of Factors For Strengthening a Wellbore
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Seismic Wave Propagation In Fractured Carbonate Rock
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Disturbed Gravity Flow In Block Caving
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Study On the Deformation Response of a Water Inlet High Rock Slope Excavation In a Large Hydroelectric Station In Southwest of China
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Evaluating Rock Mass Deformability Characteristics Using Rigid Plate Load Test In Bakhtiary Dam
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Mechanism Analysis And Preventive Methods For Rock Bursts In Deep Mining Conditions
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Evaluating the Present In-situ Stress-State For the Richton, MS, Strategic Petroleum Reserve Site Using Geomechanical Analyses
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Anhydrite Behavior In a Salt Formation: WIPP Applications
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Estimating the Extent of the Disturbed Rock Zone Around a WIPP Disposal Room
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Laterally Controlled Shear Testing of 1:200 Scale Model Gravity Dam Monoliths Over a Foundation With Three-dimensional Interfacial Roughness
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Effect of Thermal Shock And Rapid Unloading On Mechanical Rock Properties
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
A New Method For Three-dimensional Slope Stability Analysis-the Vector Sum Analysis Method
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Precise Minimum Horizontal Stress Determination From Pump-in/flowback Tests With Drilling Mud
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Aspects of Coupling Between Petroleum Reservoir Flow And Geomechanics
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Extent of Damage Associated With the Passage of the Compressive Stress Wave Generated By Blasting
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Geologic Evaluation, Roof Stability Analyses, And Ground Support Design For Underground Mine Slope Entries
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Geotechnical Characterization of Sevier And Rome Shale, East Tennessee
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Advances In Researches Of The Mechanical Behaviors Of Deep Bedded Salt Rocks In China
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Some Statistical Aspects of Constant Stress-rate Testing For Subcritical Crack Growth
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Rock Mechanical Modelling For A Underbalanced Drilling Rate Of Penetration Prediction
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
The Use of Terrestrial LIDAR In Determining Directional Joint Dilation Angle Values
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Investigation of CO2 Injection Induced Coal-Gas Interactions
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Tilt Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracture Preconditioning Treatments
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Repair of the Pi'ilani/Hana Arches, Pi'ilani Highway, Maui, Hawaii
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Monitoring And Computations On a Landslide In an Open Pit Mine
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
An Evaluation of the Effects of Fracture Diagenesis On Fracture Treatments: Modeled Response
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Relationships Between Index And Physical Properties of Weathered Ocala Limestone
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Borehole Failure Related to Bedding Plane
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Effect of Seam Dip On Face Orientation of Longwall Top Coal Caving
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Damage Rheological Model With Non-stationary Parameters And Its Engineering Application
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Application of Real Time Monitoring System In Cut Slope Management System of Korea
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Experimental Investigation of the Effective Stress Coefficient For Various High Porosity Outcrop Chalks
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Multi-Fracture Complexities In Drilling Waste Injection: Wagon-Wheel Uniform Disposal Domain Or Secondary Fracture Branching
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
A Fully-Coupled Finite Element Code For Modeling Thermo-Hydro- Mechanical Processes In Porous Geological Media
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Thermo-poroelastic Finite Element Analysis of Rock Deformation And Damage
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
A Comparison of Photogrammetry And Laser Scanning For the Purpose of Automated Rock Mass Characterization
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Analyzing LiDaR Data For Rock Mass Characterization Using a Fast And Simple Mesh-Less Technique
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
The Measurement And Monitoring of Coal Mine Subsidence Using Interferometric Aperture Radar
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Is Thermal Fatigue a Possible Mechanism For Failures of Some Rock Slopes In Rio De Janeiro, Brazil?
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Poroelastic Analysis of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Shear Strength And Damage Zones of Bedding Planes In Martinsburg Shale
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Development of Rock Stress Measurement Probe Based On The Pilot Hole Wall Deformation Method Laboratory Tests
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Research On Factors Influencing Characteristics Experimentation And Mechanism of Rheological Parameters of Soft-soil*
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Utilizing Convergence Reading to Determine Stability And Support Category In NATM Tunneling At the Devil's Slide Tunnel
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Casing Integrity In Hydrate Bearing Sediments
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Mechanical Properties of High And Lower Porosity Outcrop Chalk At Various Wetting States
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Non-Contact Detection of Acoustic Emission Signals From Rock Surfaces
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Experimental And Theoretical Study of Mixed-mode I+III Crack Propagation And Segmentation
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Attenuation Analysis of Rayleigh Waves Used to Locate Shallow Manmade Tunnels
N.H. Putnam; X. Peng; J.D. Cawlfield; O.N. Kovin; E.V. Torgashov; P. Modur; C. Stagner; S.L. Grant; N.L. Anderson; A. Nasseri-Moghaddam
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
A Computational Study: The Scaling Relationship Between Fluid Flow And Displacement In Single Fractures
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
A Numerical Investigation of Scale Effects On the Behavior of Discontinuous Rock
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Modeling Methane Emissions And Ventilation Needs By Examination of Mining Induced Permeability Changes And Related Damage to Ventilation Controls
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Probabilistic Slope Analysis With the Finite Element Method
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Evolution of Shear Strength And Permeability During Shear-holding In a Simulated Rock Fracture Under Moderate Stress And Room Temperature Condition
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Hydromechanical Evolution And Self-Sealing of Damage Zones Around a Microtunnel In a Claystone Formation of the Swiss Jura Mountains
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Discrete Element Modeling of Impact Fragmentation In Rock Fall Analysis
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Three-dimensional Poroelastic Displacement Discontinuity Simulation of Natural Fractures
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Statistical Characterization of Rock Structure Using LiDAR
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Water Imbibition In Oilfield Rocks And Applications to Oil Recovery
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Permeability Changes Due to Shear Dilatancy In Uncemented Sands
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Calibration of 3D Cutter-Rock Model With Single Cutter Tests
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Dual Poroelastic Response of Coal Seam to CO2 Injection
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Changing Shale Strengths With Invert Emulsion Drilling Fluids: Theory And Measurement
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Rock Slope Stability Analysis Along the North Carolina Section of the Blue Ridge Parkway: Using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to Integrate Site Data And Digital Geologic Maps
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Measuring Static And Dynamic Moduli As Functions of Stress For a Weak Sandstone
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Integrating GIS-Based Geologic Mapping, LiDAR-Based Lineament Analysis And Site Specific Rock Slope Data to Delineate a Zone of Existing And Potential Rock Slope Instability Located Along the Grandfather Mountain Window-Linville Falls Shear Zone Contact, Southern Appalachian Mountains, Watauga County, North Carolina
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Stress Corrosion of Rockbolts In Australian Coal Mines
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
In Situ Large Size Non Conventional Shear Tests For the Mechanical Characterization of a Bimrock In The Santa Barbara Open Pit Mine (Italy)
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Borehole Stability Simulations of an HPHT Field Using Anisotropic Shale Modeling
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
The Effect Of Stylus Hardness And Some Test Parameters On Cerchar Abrasivity Index
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Effect of Stope Undercutting On Its Wall Overbreak
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Analysis of Hydromechanical Well Tests In Fractured Sedimentary Rock At the NAWC Site, New Jersey
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
3-Dimensional Numerical Modelling of Stope Sequencing For Mine Planning
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
Working Safely Under Inverse Raise Boreholes At Brunswick Mine The Story of The "Trampoline"
Paper presented at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium & 4th U.S. - Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, June 2009.
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