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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-489
...: 9.6 GPa, and Poisson s ratio: 0.27. Generally, Mansfield sandstone can be classified as a poorly consolidated, porous, weak sandstone that could well simulate some oil-bearing reservoirs. 3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Test specimens were saw-cut from large blocks received from the field, and then surface...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-506
... of high shear strength (strong zone). Hence failure may occur progressively before the peak strength is mobilized on the entire surface of the discontinuity. A series of biaxial tests are conducted on specimens with anisotropic frictional surfaces to explore the mechanisms of slip and rupture...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-523
... Upstream Oil & Gas material property Fluid Dynamics Simulation flow in porous media displacement rock joint specimen shear process joint surface roughness shear behavior dilation Reservoir Characterization aperture mechanical model direct shear test shear mechanical model...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-545
..., a quantity that characterizes the severity of the crack situation within a material as affected by crack size, stresses near the crack tip, and the geometry of the crack, material specimen, and loading configuration [9]. Given its sound theoretical foundation, evolving from the study of fracture mechanics...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-511
... reservoir geomechanics relation machine learning hydraulic fracturing Artificial Intelligence Reservoir Characterization rock compliance experimental result compressive loading Upstream Oil & Gas compliance compressive stress rock specimen deformation hyperbolic model specimen...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-581
... reservoir geomechanics external stress specimen concentration experiment elliptical breakout Upstream Oil & Gas hole failure higher external stress stability breakout depth Reservoir Characterization circular hole sandstone hollow cylinder geometry breakout breakout tip...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-553
... Reservoir Characterization Berea sandstone Simulation hydraulic fracturing fracture mechanics structural geology strength fracture toughness cementation Upstream Oil & Gas Thickness sandstone specimen Rock mechanics Symposium weakly notch length fracture toughness test...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-583
.... They are obtained from conventional triaxial compression tests with acoustics, i.e. ultrasonic wave transmission measurements, and comprise strength, stiffness and dilation parameters, and P- and S- wave velocities. The bulk density is also calculated from the weight and dimension of the specimens. The tested...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-559
... structural geology vicinity nondestructive property dynamic poisson Texas Wellbore Design limestone sample Reservoir Characterization Dallas reservoir geomechanics Houston limestone Upstream Oil & Gas frequency repeatability limit specimen clayshale vibration pulse velocity...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-584
... Reservoir Characterization criterion failure mode plane structural geology artificial interstratified rock strength parameter discontinuity strength failure criterion Upstream Oil & Gas interstratified rock mass interstratified rock kaolinite orientation specimen model...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-549
... Upstream Oil & Gas structural geology Reservoir Characterization steady state mechanism natural gas storage salt dome model parameter database specimen creep dome salt material cavern Albuquerque West Hackberry increment Gulf Coast Salt Dome domal salt fracture sandia...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-620
... for the studies. Figure 11 shows the 2D confining test device. This consists of a rigid metal ring, 4 confining blocks, and 2 tightening screws. The thin rectangular test specimen is split or cracked under a 2D-confined condition (plane stress) by a loading wedge that transfers vertical actuator movement from...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0027
... curves of the debris produced in the uniaxial compression test Sanjome Andesite, which was used as the rock material, has a uniaxial compressive strength of about 70 MPa. The rock specimens were cylinders, 50 mm in both diameter and length, with unfinished ends. After the specimens were air-dried...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0083
... specimens isotropic ally consolidated under effective confming stresses (lY;) ranging from 0.34 to 2.9 MPa. All triaxial tests were performed on sandstone specimens. Table I SWl1Il1lIl)' of experiments perfonned, Boring Lugeon No. PS PMT Flow Triaxial 0-1 10 0-2 8 0-2.2 ,0 0-3 0 0-4 9 0:5 9 D-6 9 0-6-1 0 0...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0041
... and produce less fine particles. This study consists of three parts namely: I)Holographic Interferometry, 2)Thrce Dimensional Stress Analysis of the tested specimen, 3)Acoustic Emission and Fracture Surface Analysis. The major part of this paper will be devoted for part I of this study, however major findings...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0049
.... Table 4 affirms those early investigations. The Schmidt Hammer rebound 'R' value· has a correlative Table 2 Laboratory drop test results ues Tensile Young's Density Schmidt IKC Penetration' Specimen Modulus . Rebound (inches! blow) (psi) (psi) (psi) (pct) R Value 250 ft-lb 125 ft-Ib Lo Strength Concrete...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0129
... tunnel 3 borehole specimen reservoir geomechanics Thickness marl investigation Reservoir Characterization support structure tunnel lining turmel Drilling observational method theoretical result lining permeablity girder Upstream Oil & Gas information diameter tunnel 1...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0641
... assessment Upstream Oil & Gas excavation stiffness loading Reinforcement Effect material property rock joint mechanical behavior tunnel crosshole test Reservoir Characterization roughness crown area specimen rock mass s-wave velocity Pacific Rocks 2000, Girard, Liebman, Breeds & Doe...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0303
.... In the test, a hollow cylinder specimen was loaded externally and fluid flow was flown radially towards the inner hole. The amount of produced sand over time at various stresses and fluid flow rates was accurately measured. The test provided answers to the parameters influencing sand production in weak...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: American Rock Mechanics Association
Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0723
... average value deformation stabilization block structure rock mass displacement contour tunnel contour AIF strength dry contact specimen Upstream Oil & Gas internal friction fractured rock mass vicinity plastic material evaluation tunnel deformation Pacific Rocks2000...