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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-491
... Newtonian fluid with zero viscosity which is injected into the fracture in an impermeable elastic medium. On the basis of the plane strain elasticity, the resulting slip, crack length and net shear stress, which is defined as the difference between the applied shear stress and the friction stress based...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-506
... Load (MTS machine) Fig. 4. Loading Frame and Experiment Set-up 3. OBSERVATIONS Photoelasticity has been used in engineering to display and measure full-field stresses and strains in materials under static or dynamic loading [20-22]. As the shear stress applied to the specimen increases, photoelastic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-579
... Reservoir Characterization caprock Upstream Oil & Gas mechanism slip tendency operation fault plane reservoir geomechanics fault reactivation co 2 overburden shear stress fracture geomechanical analysis Magnitude integrity injection pressure change reactivation storage...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-560
... hydraulic fracturing fracture length flow rate proppant shear rate rheology fracturing materials stress plateau shear stress Upstream Oil & Gas fluid xe pressure gradient shear rate region fracturing fluid Power Law Model normalized pressure gradient constant stress plateau...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-594
... wellbore integrity Fluid Dynamics Reservoir Characterization reservoir geomechanics Wellbore Design Upstream Oil & Gas displacement subsidence cylindrical surface Reservoir Compaction compressibility compaction shear stress element analysis reservoir simulation Modeling...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0785
... ABSTRACT ABSTRACT: This paper is concerned with the steady flow of Bingham viscoplastic materials in rock fractures. Bingham materials are such that below a critical shear stress they act as a solid and no flow occurs. Once the critical stress has been exceeded, they behave as a fluid and flow...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0343
..., and existing seismic gaps on the fault are discussed. Liquefaction-related phenomena and resulting damage are examined in detail. Cyclic-shear stresses are calculated for soil profiles taken from the earthquake region, and used to evaluate the likelihood of liquefaction. 1 INTRODUCTION The Republic of Turkey...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0625
... Reservoir Characterization strength rock bolt grouted bolt frictionally bolt interface borehole collar Upstream Oil & Gas face plate shear strength displacement diameter shear stress structural geology axial stress pullout test rock mass loading point axial load interface...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-1043
... the usual velocity or acceleration response spectrum, for analyzing the structural stability of underground construction during earthquakes: the Stress Resporlse Spectrum (SRS), which is defined as the maximum value of the maximum shear stress at the cavity wall during the duration of ground motion. The SRS...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2nd North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, June 19–21, 1996
Paper Number: ARMA-96-1145
... arrangement, stress tends to build up near the location of loading and along the angled notch due to loading alignment. mechanism angled notch notch fracture maximum value angle laboratory shear fracture test shear stress shear fracture hydraulic fracturing specimen failure probability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2nd North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, June 19–21, 1996
Paper Number: ARMA-96-1597
... MN normal load resulting in normal and shear stresses up to 50 MPa and 35 MPa, respectively (GHAROUNINIK, 1993). Quickrock was used as casting material for the direct shear apparatus, mainly because of its ability to gain strength at a fast rate (its uniaxial compressive strength after a few hours...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2nd North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, June 19–21, 1996
Paper Number: ARMA-96-1215
... Characterization displacement shear normal closure Wellbore Design resistance rock joint joint wall contact area shear test shear stress closure test Rock joints morphology and mechanics Rock Mechamcs, Aubertin, Hassam & M tn (eds) ¸ 1996 Balkema, Rotterdam. ISBN 90 5410 838 X A new experimental...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, June 1–3, 1994
Paper Number: ARMA-1994-0111
... & Gas dilation angle investigation experimental result continuously-yielding model shear response normal stress dilation shear stress shear displacement joint dilation Itasca Consulting Group dilation curve shear strength friction angle Rock Mechanics, Nelson & Laubach (eds) © 1994...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, June 1–3, 1994
Paper Number: ARMA-1994-0165
... shear displacement fracture behavior Upstream Oil & Gas rock behavior single fracture hydraulic behavior shear loading hydro-mechanical behavior shear stress fracture Rock Mechanics. Nelson & Laubach (eds) © 1994 Balkema, Rotterdam. ISBN 90 5410 380 8 Numerical modelling of the hydro...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, June 1–3, 1994
Paper Number: ARMA-1994-0523
... experiment station engineer waterway experiment station normal stress specimen shear stress diameter specimen shear surface shear test usace laboratory shear strength friction angle Rock Mechanics, Nelson & Laubach (ads) © 1994 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5410 380 8 A test is worth a thousand...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, June 1–3, 1994
Paper Number: ARMA-1994-0641
.... The solutions of pressure and stresses in a semi-infinite space are obtained via the method of superposition. The resulting nonphysical surface shear stresses are numerically eliminated. Fluid sources of various geometries can be constructed to adapt to complex three-dimensional settings of underground...

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