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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-478
...1. INTRODUCTION Pre-drill prediction of overpressure is usually achieved through manipulation of seismic data, founded on the empirical relationship between effective stress and seismic velocity [1,2,3]. Velocity-based methods usually require a normal compaction trend and deviations from...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-462
...1. INTRODUCTION Traditional approaches to casing design and mud weight selection have typically been based on predicted pore pressures and empirically determined fracture gradients. The resulting mud weights and casing points are then adjusted based on drilling experience in offset wells, often...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-470
... Modeling & Simulation information constitutive relationship reservoir geomechanics geomechanical model prediction Upstream Oil & Gas geomechanical modeling boundary condition contour plot differential stress Drilling extension evolution exploration Reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-498
... the potential to predict petrophysical properties from core material not suited for laboratory testing (e.g., sidewall or damaged core and drill cuttings). Pore size information, NMR response and Formation factor are also calculated on the images. Empirical correlations linking fluid permeability to Formation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-499
... Upstream Oil & Gas pore pressure prediction reservoir geomechanics seismic data mud weight safe mud weight minimum safe mud weight pressure prediction orientation mud window velocity uncertainty shale seismic velocity column height Reservoir Characterization strength...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-461
...ARMA/NARMS 04-461 INTEGRATED SOIL AND ROCK MECHANICS: A MAJOR STEP TOWARDS CONSISTENT AND IMPROVED SAND PRODUCTION PREDICTION AND MANAGEMENT Hans H. Vaziri BP America Inc, E&P Technology Group, Houston, TX, USA Copyright 2004, ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association This paper was prepared...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-562
... bulk density Oklahoma fracture toughness prediction diameter fracture permeability ARMA/NARMS 04-562 Experimental Determination of Geomechanical and Petrophysical Properties of Jackfork Sandstone A Tight Gas Formation Zeng, Z.-W. New Mexico Petroleum Recovery Research Center, Socorro, NM...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-588
... contain conspicuous acknowledgement of where and by whom the paper was presented. ABSTRACT: It is the scope of this work to present an analytical model for sand rate, and to compare its predictions to experi- mental observations as well as numerical simulations, in order to illustrate possible mechanisms...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-527
... Reservoir Characterization Upstream Oil & Gas experiment thermoporoelastic model Wellbore Design prediction MPa fracture gradient Temperature Effect Magnitude wellbore integrity initiation Leak drilling fluid temperature mud temperature wellbore temperature proceedings...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-563
... mechanics quartz prediction bonnell fracture porosity 1. INTRODUCTION The continuity of fracture-porosity is fundamental to how fractures conduct fluids. One approach to predicting the spatial arrangement of opening mode fracture networks is through geomechanical modeling. We utilize a model based...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-639
... on understanding the subsurface mechanical in-situ conditions and the changes in the subsurface induced by pressure depletion or pressure maintenance. Given the structural complexity of certain fields, numerical modeling techniques are nowadays a preferred tool to predict the induced changes in stresses, strains...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-575
.... This image was used to test the accuracy of the three slope programs. The comparison between programs resulted in similar conclusions despite which data set was used. All slope modeling programs results contained slight inaccuracy when compared to the actual slope. 1. INTRODUCTION Predicting the stability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0113
... which allows for modifications of the construction method. In this context it is emphasized that, based on a eontinuous evaluation of geological and geotechnical monitoring data, the predicted geological model is adjusted to the actual conditions. Based on the updated model, excavation and support...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0247
... similar model with a more realistic non-uniform pore pressure distribution. The numerical predictions obtained are assessed against experimental observations in which a non-uniform initial pore pressure distribution is present. The investigation shows that there are large differences between predictions...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0287
...Pacific Rocks 2000, Girard, Liebman, Breeds & Doe (eds) © 2000 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 905809 1554 Relationship between thick-walled cylinder and unconfined compressive strength for application in sanding prediction B.Wu & c. P.Tan CSIRO Division of Petroleum Resources, Melbourne, Vic., Australia...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0449
...Pacific Rocks 2000, Girard, Liebman, Breeds & Doe (eds) O 2000 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 155 4 Case study: Prediction of coal mine subsidence below clubhouse Allen L.Jones University of Washington, Seattle, Wash., USA Michael J. Bailey Hart Crowser Incorporated, Seattle, Wash., USA ABSTRACT...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0793
... ABSTRACT This paper deals with developing a rational framework for quantifying and controlling the uncertainty in predictions associated with poro-elastic models of formations used in reservoir simulators for oil recovery. It aims at integrating data collection with model-based reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0303
... sandstones and showed how the external stress and the fluid flow rate affect the sand production rate. The test results are compared with sand predictions from a recently developed volumetric sand prediction fmite element code, which is based on a model coupling the poro-mechanics of the solid-fluid system...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, July 31–August 3, 2000
Paper Number: ARMA-2000-0831
... recharge to evaluate the yield of the aquifer and to assess the effect of long-term pumping on the environment. fluid modeling equation of state pressure transient analysis hydraulic fracturing Reservoir Characterization pressure transient testing Fluid Dynamics prediction observation well...

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