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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-478
... this normal compaction trend are taken to be indicative of the presence of overpressure. However, velocity-based pore pressure prediction methods are not reliable under all geological conditions. The relationship between stress and seismic P-wave velocity is, in general, non-unique because P-wave velocity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-462
...1. INTRODUCTION Traditional approaches to casing design and mud weight selection have typically been based on predicted pore pressures and empirically determined fracture gradients. The resulting mud weights and casing points are then adjusted based on drilling experience in offset wells, often...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-470
... Characterization pore pressure rock property geometry San Antonio southwest research institute deformation 1. INTRODUCTION In the oil and gas industry, a gap exists between the early phase of exploration, which is driven primarily by the fields of geology and geophysics, and the subsequent drilling...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-497
... and pore pressure fields around an underground opening. This is due to the fact that thermal loading induces volumetric deformation because of thermal expansion/contraction of both the pore fluid and the rock solid. A volumetric expansion can result in significant pressurization of the pore fluid. In order...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-467
...1. INTRODUCTION It has been demonstrated that thermal effects can be very important to both wellbore stability and injection design (Guenot and Santarelli, 1989 [1]; Paige and Murray, 1994 [2]; Charlez, 1997 [3 Formation temperature and formation pore pressure are fully-coupled for fluid flow...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-473
... reservoir geomechanics Upstream Oil & Gas wave velocity elastic wave velocity measurement anisotropic change equation andα 33 model 1 Reservoir Characterization tensor pore pressure sandstone horizontal stress stress field high value contour anisotropy discontinuity stress...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-481
... in each well) pore pressure and overburden pressure, and lithology. In vertical exploration wells we may also deduce the minimum horizontal stress direction from borehole breakouts. Aadnøy [1] developed an inversion technique in 1990. Since directional wells have different orientations (inclinations...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-505
... reservoir geomechanics strength water saturation Upstream Oil & Gas pore pressure flow in porous media sand production particle capillary strength capillary force coefficient permeability proceedings water breakthrough chemical reaction Reservoir Characterization sandstone...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-492
... approach to the problem had a solid foundation. Huang et al. (1998)2 presented a model based on considerations that the pore pressure change and the onset of swelling pressure are two main factors in well- bore instability issue. They investigated water-based drilling fluid interactions with shale...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-487
... reservoir geomechanics structural geology fracture characterization pore pressure dynamic equilibrium critical pore pressure mechanism hydrocarbon column height phase pressure reservoir sand shale dynamic capacity Reservoir Characterization Upstream Oil & Gas pp ss migration...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-551
... ABSTRACT: The degree of certainty in pore pressure estimates from resistivity data is examined through a case study interpreted by eight trained analysts. The relevant data included resistivity, gamma ray, density, and mud weight as a function of depth. A shallow kick pressure and several...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-588
... is the drawdown (given as the in situ pore pressure minus the well pressure) and Dc is the critical drawdown where sand production is initi- ated. Introducing Eq. (8) into Eq. (6) gives us that the volume of the sand producing zone is Figure 1 illustrates graphically the predictions of the model. The parameter...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-541
... well control laboratory test Reservoir Characterization Berea sandstone total axial stress boundary condition pore pressure experiment Upstream Oil & Gas axial stress radial stress annular pressure drilling Engineering cylinder inversion poroelastic hollow cylinder hollow...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-589
... Reservoir Characterization compressibility pore pressure compaction consequence stress path overburden reservoir geomechanics Reservoir Compaction pore compressibility sandstone elastic limit permeability depletion Upstream Oil & Gas experiment stress path coefficient...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-534
... Upstream Oil & Gas porosity Reservoir Characterization Fluid Dynamics fluid pressure MPa specific storage effective stress law rock sample flow in porous media effective pressure sandstone Tennessee Sandstone Artificial Intelligence pore pressure deformation permeability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-627
... understood, but also might be very small for many of the depleting reservoirs. Reservoir Characterization depletion geomechanical model Upstream Oil & Gas pore pressure overburden geomechanics Reservoir Characteristic fingerprint Reservoir Conditions compressibility saturation change...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-613
... in the reservoir formation. The permeability anisotropy mentioned in the following context is referred to the latter case. Deformations in a reservoir are induced by the changes of pore pressure and temperature due to fluid injection and production in thermal recovery processes, thereby affecting permeability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Gulf Rocks 2004, the 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS), June 5–9, 2004
Paper Number: ARMA-04-599
... Reservoir Characterization Energy Economics reservoir geomechanics drilling fluid chemistry drilling fluid selection and formulation shale gas Wellbore Design shale oil complex reservoir Upstream Oil & Gas pore pressure flow in porous media instability membrane efficiency...

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