ABSTRACT : Modeling of rock-cutting tool interaction has historically incorporated the assumption that the cutting process can be presented by the maximum and average values of the cutting forces. This assumption places considerable limitations on the model's ability to simulate the instantaneous behavior of a cutting head as the dynamic modeling of this one. Recent studies have shown that robotics in rock cutting machines require a good understanding of the forces generated on the cutting head. The approach as presented in this paper provides the capability to simulate the rock cutting process. It shows that rock breakage by a mechanical tool contents either determinist and uncertain aspects. The determinist aspect is closely linked with average values of the mechanical characteristics of the rock matrix whereas the discontinuities and other structural features of the rock mass introduces the uncertain aspect in the rock cutting process. The variation of the tool forces required to penetrate the rock is simulated using the Random Boolean Functions. An extention towards rock-cutting head interaction allows to predict the instantaneous behavior of the cutting head. Here, interaction is based on the instantaneous forces simulated for each cutting tool in contact with the rock.
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A New Approach for Simulation of the Rock Cutting Process
Paper presented at the 1st North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Austin, Texas, June 1994.
Paper Number:
June 01 1994
Kadiu, M. "A New Approach for Simulation of the Rock Cutting Process." Paper presented at the 1st North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Austin, Texas, June 1994.
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