ABSTRACT: This paper presents the design and development of a package, based on Monte Carlo simulation techniques, that can model the operation of mechanized underground excavation systems. The primary use of the package is to estimate time and cost required to complete a given tunnel, in addition to predicting equipment utilization. A data base containing performance records from more than 450 tunnel boring machine (TBM) projects is used to derive a ground classification system, predictive equations for various performance parameters, and probability density functions of various components of mechanized underground excavation systems. Analysis of various possible excavation system configurations is achieved by using rate of failure and delay information for each comprising subsystem. The estimation of time to complete a given tunneling project can be done in different ways depending on available project information.
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Development of a Mechanized Excavation System Performance Simulation Package
Yousof Abd Al-Jalil;
Yousof Abd Al-Jalil
The University of Texas at Austin
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Priscilla P. Nelson;
Priscilla P. Nelson
The University of Texas at Austin
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Christopher Laughton
Christopher Laughton
The University of Texas at Austin
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Paper presented at the 1st North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Austin, Texas, June 1994.
Paper Number:
June 01 1994
Al-Jalil, Yousof Abd, Nelson, Priscilla P., and Christopher Laughton. "Development of a Mechanized Excavation System Performance Simulation Package." Paper presented at the 1st North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Austin, Texas, June 1994.
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