ABSTRACT: The progressive shear failure development and evolution in brittle to brittle-ductile rock masses behavior is characterized by non-linear, inhomogeneous stress and strain distributions through the media in which various fracture modes intervene in sequence during simple shear displacement. The progressive failure of zones under simple shear deformation is progressive in at least two ways and is influenced by the normal stress magnitude and dilatancy. The progressive failure extends to all scales and is responsible for a marked shear strength scale effect. This paper demonstrates how the rotational and non-coaxial strain characterizing zones submitted to simple shear deformation influence the sequential development and evolution of tension and shear fractures under mode I and n of fracture propagation and their subsequent behavior with shear displacement. The behavioral complexity of a such zone during progressive failure is rather difficult to model, because shear displacement measurements integrate all kinds of variables and phenomena into one single parameter. Stability of workings in rock masses may demonstrate problems if such modes of deformation and failure are induced in the rock media.
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The Mechanics of Progressive Shear Failure at All Scales in Rock Masses
Guy Archambault;
Guy Archambault
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
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Alain Rouleau;
Alain Rouleau
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
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Réal Daigneault;
Réal Daigneault
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
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Rock Flamand
Rock Flamand
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
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Paper presented at the 1st North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Austin, Texas, June 1994.
Paper Number:
June 01 1994
Archambault, Guy, Rouleau, Alain, Daigneault, Réal, and Rock Flamand. "The Mechanics of Progressive Shear Failure at All Scales in Rock Masses." Paper presented at the 1st North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Austin, Texas, June 1994.
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