ABSTRACT: This paper describes the geomechanical development plan established to provide data for safety assessment and conceptual models of an argillite formation studied by ANDRA in the framework of feasibility study of underground waste disposal in France. Geomechanical conceptual model of a disposal in that formation is divided into three models: the conceptual model of host formation describing the overall generic mechanical behavior; the geotechnical conceptual model for construction and design; the conceptual model of the repository describing the layer from the safety and retrievability standpoint. The content of each model is presented and analysed. In order to verify the pertinence of these models, in situ geomechanical experiments are envisaged in the Underground Research Laboratory to be constructed in the argilites formation. The strategy of numerical modeling program associated to the in situ geomechanical experiments is described.
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4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium
July 31–August 3, 2000
Seattle, Washington
Geological Radioactive Waste Disposal Project in France: Conceptual Model of a Deep Geological Formation and Underground Research Laboratory in Meuse/Haute-Marne Site
Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, July 2000.
Paper Number:
July 31 2000
Hoteit, N., Ozanam, O., and K. Su. "Geological Radioactive Waste Disposal Project in France: Conceptual Model of a Deep Geological Formation and Underground Research Laboratory in Meuse/Haute-Marne Site." Paper presented at the 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, July 2000.
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