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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st Canada - U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, May 27–31, 2007
Paper Number: ARMA-07-140
... applications in novel geological conditions. A major challenge of this research is combining geological and engineering languages, methods, and objectives to construct a unified geomechanics characterisation system. The goal of this system is to describe the spalling sensitivity of hard, massive, highly...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st Canada - U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, May 27–31, 2007
Paper Number: ARMA-07-174
... magnitude 1 is about 130. The blue points represent actual recorded events, while the red line represents a best fit. For this system, the sensitivity of the system is about lo- cal magnitude 2.3. For events smaller than local magnitude 2.3, the seismic record is not complete. Some of the events smaller...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st Canada - U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, May 27–31, 2007
Paper Number: ARMA-07-213
... such as Berea sandstone, which shows a large pressure dependence at low confining pressures, but little pressure dependence at higher levels, and rock like Castlegate sandstone, where the pressure dependence reaches across all tested pres- sure levels. The division between pressure-sensitive and pressure...

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