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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st Canada - U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, May 27–31, 2007
Paper Number: ARMA-07-031
...1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Damage initiation and hard rock strength This paper deals with hard rock (including but not limited to granitoids, gneisses, quartzites and non- foliated mafics) of high rockmass quality (as defined for example by the GSI system of Hoek & Marinos (2000), as shown in Figure 1...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st Canada - U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, May 27–31, 2007
Paper Number: ARMA-07-071
... ABSTRACT ABSTRACT: Laboratory uniaxial compression tests were conducted on prismatic, molded gypsum and Carrara marble specimens containing two pre-existing artificial straight open flaws. Crack initiation and the sequence of the development of multiple cracks were observed by using a high...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st Canada - U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, May 27–31, 2007
Paper Number: ARMA-07-081
... real time system Upstream Oil & Gas variation Reservoir Characterization damage development specimen triaxial compression rock mass reservoir geomechanics strength initiation brittle material compression flaw pressurized water hydraulic fracturing fracture process hydraulic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st Canada - U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, May 27–31, 2007
Paper Number: ARMA-07-067
... Reservoir Characterization alteration uniaxial compressive strength Eberhardt kaolinite structural geology uniaxial compression alteration grade granite fracture boundary crack amplitude engineering behaviour kaolinised granite Upstream Oil & Gas initiation secondary mica...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st Canada - U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, May 27–31, 2007
Paper Number: ARMA-07-068
... are prepared by changing flaw angle, spacing and continuity. The specimens are loaded in uniaxial compression until failure. In each test the nature of any new crack (tensile or shear), initiation stress and angle, and coalescence stress and pattern are recorded. Three different types of cracks have been...

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