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Keywords: Piezometer
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st Canada - U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, May 27–31, 2007
Paper Number: ARMA-07-126
... localised along the steep shears and joints, which roughly parallel the surface contours (Fig. 3). 2.3 Monitoring at Checkerboard Creek Installation of an extensive slope instrumentation network occurred between 1984 and 2000, including deep inclinometers, multi-port (MP) piezometers, surface cable...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1st Canada - U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, May 27–31, 2007
Paper Number: ARMA-07-107
... may be described as an active wedge and the support must be designed to stabilize this wedge. Upstream Oil & Gas Piezometer rock cut reservoir geomechanics strength cohesion air transportation displacement site investigation sequence investigation rock excavation Reservoir...

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